






1947 - The Ernest (Ernie) M. and Marie C. Reinhold House, 951 Rockhold Drive, Asheville NC. Formerly addressed as 733 Town Mountain Road. Designed, built, and developed by Ernie Reinhold. Sold in 1996 to Carl J. and Cheryl Eileen Wedel. Sold in 1999 to Rockhold, LLC (Charles and Katherine Frazier). Sold in 2014 to James Fendelman. Renovated in 2017 by Alice Dodson.



1948 - The Annie J. Reid House, 68 Kenilworth Road, Asheville NC. She was the daughter of W. W. Reid and Janet M. Reid. Designed by architect Ronald Greene of Greene and Rogers. Due to illness, she moved out around 1949 and went to Florida. Sold several times. Sold in 1991 to Fred Wade Herman. Transferred to Herman Family Estate. Deeded in 2008 to Laura Herman Ashworth.

Around 1948 - The Aubrey Mellinger House, 659 Crab Creek Road, Hendersonville NC. Designed by Alfred P. Shaw of Chicago. Mellinger was president of Illinois Bell. Commissioned in 1946. First builder went bankrupt. Mellinger later worked in the Truman Administration. Sold in 1960 to Richard P. Hewitt, aka Richard Horowitz. Deeded to heirs; grandson is Fritz McPhail.

1949 - The P. H. Davis House, 124 Westwood Drive, Laurel Park NC. Designed by Richard E. Jessen and Associates of Tampa FL. Sold in 2012 to Richard B. (Blan) and Susan Rosebrock.




1951 - The Thomas Carlyle Lea and Wanda Lea House, 350 Wilshire Boulevard, Burnsville NC. Lea commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright around 1949 to design a house based on Wright's 1923 Lake Tahoe summer cabins. Wright's design, 3rd photo model by David Romero, was not built. Instead, Lea built a very scaled-down version. Deeded to Wanda Lea. Deeded to her second husband, Harvey Austin. Significantly deteriorated.  Sold in 2015 to Robert and Jeff McEwan (McEwen Properties LLC), who own the neighboring land.  They are doing a renovation, not yet complete as of 2024.


1951 - The Allen T. and Mattie Fishel House, 5 Red Oak Road, Asheville NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1960 to Joseph Patla. Deeded to widow Rose Patla. Sold in 1981 to Diana and James Bailey Jr. Deeded in 2004 to James Bailey and K. Atkinson. Sold in 2005 to William and Sarah Evert. Renovated in 2008. Photo by Carol Miller.

1953 - 1836 Carolina Drive, Tryon, NC 28782. Designed by Tryon architect, Shannon Meriwether. For sale in 2024.

1954 - The Sela and Lucile Merrell House, 112 Hilltop Road, Black Mountain NC. Former address 100 Hilltop. Designed by Clyde Merrell. Sold in 1956 to William S. and Maude Howell. Sold in 1963 to Charles D. and Dorothy Drake Thomas. Sold by heirs in 1990 to architect Mikkel R. Hansen and his wife Jytte R. Hansen. Put under preservation easement in 2021. For sale in 2023.





1955 - 23 Valle Vista Drive, Asheville NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2023 to Stephanie D. and Daniel Crone.

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1956 - The Morris Lipinsky Jr. House, 344 Midland Road, Asheville NC. According to his son, Richard Lane, it was designed by Lipinsky, a third-generation merchant in downtown Asheville gifted at design and engineering. The house was ahead of its time with features such as low-voltage lighting. Sold around 1971 to Richard P. and Helen S. Hendon. Sold in 1974 to Marvin A. and Eunice R. Koch. Sold in 2005 to Charlton and Nora Bradsher who did a renovation. Sold in 2012 to Eveline and Patrick J. Damiano. Sold in 2017 to Kato and Fred Guggenheim. Sold in 2018 to Leland G. and Stephen Arnsdorff.




1959 - 5 Valle Vista Drive, Asheville NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2017 to Ruth J. and Jeffrey B. Hall.




1961 - The Ben and Leci Croker House, 496 Sunset Drive, Asheville NC. 63 acres. According to Leci Croker, the architect was Al Miller of Asheville; a company controlled by Miller did the construction; Miller later moved to Arizona. When the house was complete, they lived there a day - then Ben Croker was transferred by his employer, Burlington Industries. It was rented for a few years then sold in 1965 to Imogene G. Radeker. Sold in 1968 to Noah and Beverly Stewart. Sold in 1970 to Jack M. and Gail A. Hicks. Sold in 1975 to Richard J. and Barbara Kavalek. Sold in 1979 to Diamond Shamrock Corporation. Sold in 1979 to John K. and Janice D. Wolff. Sold in 1981 to Alan E. and Nancy Whiting Comer. Sold to 1988 to Michael S. Havelin. The house was in pretty bad shape at this point with many water issues. Sold in 1994 to Melissa M. Lindholm and James R. Atkinson. Sold in 2003 to Thomas (Tom) and Yumiko Virant, a builder and an architect, who did an extensive renovation. Sold in 2010 to Robert and Tina Buchan. Photos by Tom Virant.



1961 - The James F. Thompson House, 90 Lanvale Avenue, Asheville NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2005 to Horizon Properties of Asheville LLC, became a rental. Sold in 2019 to Sarah B. and Michael D. Boatright.


1962 - 12 Beaver Point Park, Asheville NC. Architect unknown. Has a bomb shelter. Sold in 1960 to Betty Lynch and Robert R. Williams Jr. Sold in 1971 to Kischel M. and Kathleen Barnes. Sold in 1976 to Ingrid and W. B. Larkin. Sold in 1981 to Candace A. and John Woodward Blocher. Sold in 1985 to Sandra R. and James C. Mcdonald. Sold in 1987 to Patricia L. and Fred A. Hardee. Sold in 2008 to Terri C. and John C. Frue. Sold in 2017 to Gretchen Ian Brown and Matthew Thomas Charles Brown. For sale in 2023.

1964 - 31 Griffing Circle, Asheville NC. Designed by Anthony Lord. Sold to Thomas Moor Jr., Honor Elizabeth Moor, and John Menkes. Sold in 2013 to Alan D. Williams Jr. and Mark G. Smith. Sold in 2017 to Maria G Nunzi and Michael G. Cleveland.





1964 - The Mary J. and Logan T. Robertson House, 40 Woodbury Road, Asheville NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1970 to Ruth P. and Thurman John Schillereff. Sold in 1976 to Marlene O. and David T. Smith. Sold in 1981 to Julia A. and Allen J. Dawson. Sold in 2011 to Allain Bush. Sold in 2022 to Jennifer S. and John D. Forsyth, trustees.

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1965 - 271 Brooklyn Road, Asheville NC. Architect unknown. Sold to various owners. Sold in 2004 to Irene P. and Wendel M. Niles. Sold in 2008 to Robert G. Kurfees Jr. Sold in 2010 to Anna S. and James A. Digges. Sold in 2013 to Jason Spence. Stacy Alonzo added to deed in 2017.


1965 - The Eugenia and Frank W. Hunnicutt House, 13 Honey Drive, Asheville NC. Architect unknown. Deeded to heirs in 2010. Sold in 2014 to Carl H. Morrison.






1965 - The Kittner House, 44 Woodbury Road, Asheville NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2022 to Bridget Uber and Bruce Rhyne Abernethy Jr.

1965 - 4 Hampstead Road, Asheville NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2023 to John Cary.






1967 - The John and Pearl Davis House, 33 Sunset Summit, Asheville NC. Designed and built by the owners. Sold to Jean and John Davis. Sold in 2009 to Annemarie and Eric Hawes. As of 2013, the house has not been lived in for several years. Photos by Mark Allison.





1969 - The Jerry M. and Keitha Parsons House, 4 Glen Falls Road, Asheville NC. Originally had a Weaverville address. Designed by Kyle C. Boone and Roger M. Lyda Associates. Built by Houston Munday & Carrol Bryson. B/W photos by Putnam Photography. As of 2023, still occupied by the original owners.

1970 - 44 Meadow Lane, Fairview NC. Designed by Six Associates Architecture. Sold in 2020 to Faye and Duane Winters.





1970 - The Sylvia G. and Norman D. Artman House, 1585 Country Club Drive, Canton NC. Designed by Tennessee architect John Millard Jr. of Millard and Stevens. Transferred in 2004 to the Sylvia Artman trust. Sold in 2012 to David A. Stone and Kevin W. Donochod who did an extensive renovation in 2013. Sold in 2021 to Casey Coffman and Michael Friez.




1972 - The Burpeau House, 104 White Oak Circle, Black Mountain NC. Architect unknown. Sold to the Martins. Sold in 2016 to Barbara and Michael Walker.




1973 - The Clara B. and Charles G. Hinkle House, 22 Fairway Drive, Asheville NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1981 to Gladys G. and Albert Fendig Sr. Sold in 1985 to Jean M. and William R. Ennis. Sold in 2002 to Jerry A. and William C. Allred Jr. Sold in 2014 to the Kenneth W. Burrill Trust.




1976 - The Sandra R. and Ricky G. Cagle House, 211 Forsythia Lane, Clyde NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1999 to Wanda S. and Robert A. Caldwell. Transferred to Wanda S. Caldwell, widow, and daughter Tamera Caldwell Edwards. Sold in 2014 to the Karen J. Luderman Family Trust.



1977 - 508 Avery Creek Road, Arden NC. Designed by Padgett and Freeman. The Elizabeth W. and Kenneth D. Schapira house. Sold in 2017 to CEH Enterprises LLC. Sold in 2019 to Patricia A. Christian-Merrion and Douglas D. Merrion.

1977 - The Jack and Patricia Pettee House, 488 Kimberly Avenue, Asheville NC. Designed by architect Richard A. Webster, son of Ida Webster. Sold in 1986 to Ako and Joanne Odotei. Sold to Robert and Karen Stow. Sold in 1993 to Mary Benally. Sold in 1997 to Randall and Kaye McKinney. Sold in 2004 to Leonard and Danielle Bernstein. Sold in 2017 to Anna Khalo and Justin Hershoran.





1978 - The Jack and Norma Feingold Residence, 600 Old Toll Road, Asheville NC. Designed by Robert Griffin. Sold in 1998 to Wendy Hanks Durham. Sold in 2000 to Stewart and Glenna Auten. Sold in 2004 to Mark and Marilyn Teichman.



1998 - The June Moore HoneyHouse Addition, 700 Little Terrapin Road, Cashiers NC. Designed by Marlon Blackwell. Built for the production and storage of honey, this working cabin was inspired by a honeycomb. The structure consists of a prefabricated steel frame with tongued-and-grooved wood cladding. Sold in 2007 to the Moore Terrapin Family Partnership. Top photo by Tim Hursley.

2003 - The George and Martha Peters House, 448 High Drive, Bakersville NC. Designed by George Peters, an apprentice of Fay Jones. Sold in 2019 to Denise and Charles Seay.


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2005 - The Robert M. Glenn House, 80 Horizon Hill Road, Asheville NC. Designed by PBC+L Architecture (later Clark Nexsen). Maria Rusafova was the project architect. Built by Rare Earth Builders. Sold in 2011 to Terri Anne Mallory and Deborah F. Dennison. Sold in 2014 to Phoebe K. and Brent R. Starck.

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2007 - The Kathryn M. and Bradley P. Rice House, 45 Rosewood Avenue, Asheville NC. Designed and built by the owners, who run Bellwether Design Build. Sold in 2013 to Kristina De Los Santos and Daniel H. Fertel.




2008 - The Linda S. and Lanny S. Altshuler House, aka Aspen, 11 Beaver Valley Road, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.




2008 - The Tate Mountain House, Bat Cave NC. 2000 sf. Designed by Watson Tate Savory. Built by Sun Construction. Won 2008 AIA Columbia, 2013 AIA SC, and 2015 AIA Charlotte design awards.




2009 - The Brian D. Ingraham House, aka Zuni, 56 Sunrise Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.




2009 - The Lauren and Michael Tamayo House, aka Vertex, 54 Sunrise Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.

2009 - The Jennifer Pickering and Leigh Maher House, 377 Lake Eden Road, Black Mountain NC. Designed by Randy Shull. Built by JAG Construction. Windows by SEMCO, solar by Sundance Power Systems.




2009 - The Nuclear Information and Resource House, aka the NIRS House, 45 Riverview Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2019 to Stephen Chapman and Holly Kezmoh. Sold in 2021 to Michael Kelley.




2009 - The Michael D. D'Elia House, aka Aavaas, 354 Riverview Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2014 to Michael T. Hudson.




2009 - The Jennifer and Preston James Zoeller House, aka Valkrie, 360 Riverview Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2013 to Jesse F. Fahrer.




2009 - The James and Amanda Boren House, aka Opus, 59 Morningside Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2010 to James and Amanda Curry. Sold in 2013 to Jeanne C. Snyder.




2009 - The Linda, William, and Ryan Evans House, aka Caurica, 6 Stillwell Street, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.




2009 - The Anna and Erik Anderson House, aka Fifty-Five, 55 Russell Street, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.



2009 - The Mary and David Lindrum House, 52 Sunrise Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.


2009 - The Brownlee-Trout House, 95 Burgin Ridge Road, Black Mountain NC. Designed by Myles Alexander of Form+Function Architecture. Sold in 2018 to Donald K. Copley.




2009 - The William E. Byrum House, 5 Hoyle Lane, Asheville NC. Designed by BOB Architecture of Richmond VA.

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2009 - 411 West Haywood Street, Asheville NC. Designed by Daryl S. Rantis. Built by Sun Construction and Realty. Sold in 2011 to Tracy Lynn Neff-Cox. Sold in 2013 to Jocelyn H. Olcott.





2010 - The Stephen Herbits House, aka the Leicester House, 267 Sluder Branch Road, Leicester NC. Designed by Eric Gartner, SPG Architects of New York NY. Commissioned in 2009. Built by S. B. Coleman. Cabinetry by Creative Woodcrafters. Landscape Design by Twin Oaks. Photos by Dan Levin. Won a 2014 Matsumoto Prize. Addition completed in 2016, also designed by Gartner (bottom photo).




2010 - The Connie S. Hayes and Carol L. Scholar House, aka Lyria, 107 Deaver Street, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.




2010 - Spec House, 97 Joyner Avenue, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2012 to Brittany and Michael Lawson. Sold in 2014 to Debora P. and William T. Gardner.




2010 - The Miriam Allen House, 37 Howard Street, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2011 to the Cheryl Gray Cary Living Trust.




2010 - The Susan G. Pittman House, aka Zia, 4 Bridle Path Road, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.




2010 - The Rebecca Travers House, aka Opus, 103 Deaver Street, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.




2010 - The Brian K. Laurencelle House, aka Mira, 91 Joyner Avenue, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.




2010 - The Russell M. Martin and Karon L. Korp House, aka the Hemp House, 25 Cary Lane, Asheville NC. Designed by Anthony Brenner. 3200 sf. Built by Donahue and Joseph. Cabinetry by Andrew Schultz. It is the first home in North America to use industrial hemp (Hempcrete) in the walls. Also the first home in North America to use Purepanel, a core panel material made of recycled paper. Skinned with Magnum board (a mineral-based, nontoxic substitute for drywall), the interior walls are breathable, fireproof, waterproof and mold-, mildew- and termite-resistant. Sold in 2016 to Kristy L. and David T. Brough. Photos by David Dietrich from Carolina Home and Garden Magazine.



2011 - The Justin Ryan Hammer House, aka Maple, 58 Maple Springs Road, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2015 to Linda V. and Mark W. Brinkley.




2011 - The Lauren and Michael Tamayo House, aka Velo, 46 Sunrise Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.




2011 - The Kelly and Christopher Dunbar House, aka Mid Century, 71 Joyner Avenue, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2019 to Natalie B. Johnson and Jose L. Guevara.




2011 - The Lauren L. Boylston House, aka Ventana, 363 Riverview Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.



2011 - The Deirdre M. Clark and David M. Barry House, 2 Stillwell Road, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.




2012 - The Jeffrey J. Smith House, aka Telluride, 44 Sunrise Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.



2012 - The Subhan Zahed House, aka Urban, 48 Sunrise Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2013 to Jennifer and Richard F. Rozzelle. Sold in 2015 to Dina P. and Brian Ingraham.


2012 - The Shannon Waller and Paul Holt House, aka Butterfly, 28 Northview Street, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman.





2012 - The John McDermott House, 42 Merrills Cove Road, Asheville NC. Designed by Stephen Cluggish.

2013 - The Deanna S. Chilian House, 144 Waynesville Avenue, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2016.


2013 - 111 Deaver Street, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2014 to Kathryn M. H. Knorovsky and Steven N. Wiese.





2013 - 2072 Bowery Road, Highlands NC. Designed by Darren Whatley. Sold in 2017. Sold in 2022 to the Fontanas.



2014 - The Barry and Elissa Lewis House, 16 Stillwell Street, Asheville NC. Designed by Adam Sage Pittman. Sold in 2016.


2014 - The Sunny Mountain Enterprise LLC House, 35 Lake Avenue, Black Mountain NC. Commissioned in 2013. Designed and built by Michael John Sonnenberg. Platinum LEED certified. Concrete floors and countertops and a 1480-gallon underground cistern that flushes the toilets and provides irrigation.



2014 - The Nicholas (Nick) Mimken House, 253 Edgewood Road, Asheville NC. 1427 sf. Modular design by Unity Homes by Bensonwood of New Hampshire. JAG was the finishing carpenter.




2014 - The Mignon Durham House, 33 Robinson Creek Road, Asheville NC. Designed and built by Blue Ridge Energy Systems.



2014 - The Niki T. and John P. Posten House, 48 Spy Pointe Lane, Fletcher NC. Located near Fairview. Designed by McMillan Pazdan Smith. Photos by Kevin Meacham. Sold in 2018 to Donald K. Copley.

2015 - The Elaine Kroner House, 108 Hudson Street, Asheville NC. Designed and built by Greg McGuffie, Earthtone.

Around 2015 - The Suzanne (Sue) and Sean Rubin Renovation, 55 Hi-View Drive, Black Mountain NC. Renovation architect Les McCormick. Original house built in 1973. Sold in 2017 to Kathleen and John English. Photos by Ryan Theede.

2015 - The James C. (Jim) and Linda Moore House, aka Butterfly Hollow, 36 Cedar Knob Road, Fairview NC. Designed and built by Mike Duermit of Duermit Custom Homes.

2015 - The Casey and Sarah Watkins House, aka Wilson Cove, aka Buckeye, 140 Wilson Cove Road, Swannanoa NC. Designed by Myles Alexander of Vin Yet Architecture, formerly Form+Function. Built by Living Stone.

2015 - The John A. and Carla Barnard House, aka Parker Road, 3 Turtledove Trail, Asheville NC. Designed by Myles Alexander of Vin Yet Architecture, formerly Form+Function.  Available for rent on AirBnB.

2015 - The Clay and Lynn Harmon House, 180 Skycliff Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by John Legerton. 6500 sf. Built by Morgan-Keefe. Kloesel Engineering, the structural engineers, worked with Kessel Engineering Group for geo-technical support on the steep slope. Featured in Carolina Home and Garden in 2015.

2015 - The Pam and Todd Eveland House, aka Town Mountain House, 208 Mount Olive Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by architect David Gauld. Photos by Daniel Lee.

2016 - The Thad and Lindsey Rhoden House, aka Windswept, aka 515 House, 515 Windswept Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by SPARC Design (Lindsey Rhoden, Thad Rhoden & Peyton Shumate). Built by Rob Motley.


2015 - The Russell Nicholson and Mary Fee House, 8 Samuel Ashe Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Russell Nicholson. Sold in 2022 to the Howard Lee Cummings Jr. Trust.


2015 - The Magdalena and John Bach House, aka Danish Mountain Den, 164 Sky View Lane, Topton NC. Designed by Magdalena Bach of Atlanta. Built by JD Prince. Won a 2017 AIA Merit Award.

2016 - aka Merrimon Avenue, Asheville NC. Designed by Robert Griffin. Status unknown.

2016 - The Sean D. and Laura Sullivan Renovation, 604 Rhododendron Avenue, Black Mountain NC. Original house was built in 1962. Renovation designed by John Petri. Built by Sean Sullivan of Living Stone.

2016 - The Wiebke Strehl House, 92 Fenner Avenue, Asheville NC. Designed and built by Greg McGuffie, Earthtone.

2016 - The James and Sunny B. Carr House, 68 Davenport Road, Asheville NC. Designed and built by James Carr, Mountain Town Carpentry.

2016 - The Evan and Christiane Kafka House, 15 Rich Street, Asheville NC. Designed and built by JAG Construction.

Around 2017 - The Andrea Cohen Trust House Renovation, 92 Sunset Drive, Asheville NC. Original house built in 1960. Renovation design by Brent Campbell. Project architect Erin Foy. Built by RCJ Building Inc.


2017 - The Red Tree Enterprises House, 48 Sonnet Lane, Asheville NC. Designed by Allan Halcomb, Knoxville TN. Built by Redtree Builders.

Around 2017 - The Leslie A. Sweeney Renovation, 17 Pine Acre Boulevard, Asheville NC. Designed and built by Sweeney. Original house built in the 1980s. Sold in 2018 to William Barrier and Lucy Cobos. Photos by Ryan Theede.


2018 - The Gregory (Greg) McGuffie House, aka Trehaus, 101 Tremont Street, Asheville NC. Designed and built by Greg McGuffie of Earthtone.


2018 - The Allen and Jacquelin Lalor House, aka Urban Scandi, aka Scandinavian Modern, 54 Branning Street, Asheville NC. Designed by Jonathan Bryant of Form Design Concepts. Built by Steel Root Builders. Photos by Ryan Theede.





2019 - The Matthew P. and Natalie Pavelchak House, aka Hillside House, 15 Samuel Ashe Drive, Asheville NC. Designed by Matthew P. Pavelchak. Built by Mikhail Builders, LLC. Photos by David Jason Miller.





2020 - The Gregory and Michele Amoroso House, 1221 Arborcrest Way, Swannanoa NC. Designed by Allen Currens. Built by Alfred Bottega.

2021 - The Mark Lloyd House, 45 Blue Ridge View Drive, Candler NC. Design by Aris Georges, of Lindal Cedar Homes, based on Frank Lloyd Wright's Bachman-Wilson House.

2022 - 515 Cloud Top Way, Arden NC. Designed by Young and Young of Bloomfield Hills MI. For sale in 2024.

Year unknown - Asheville NC. Address unknown. Built by Milestone Contracting. Do you know where it is?

Sources include: Modern Asheville; Troy Winterrowd; Richard Fort; Adam Sage Pittman; Buncombe County Tax Department; Buncombe County Register of Deeds.