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THOMAS (TOM) BARRIE, FAIA (1955-) Barrie grew up in Cohasset MA. He earned a BA in English from UNC-Greensboro in 1978, a Masters of Architecture at VPI University in 1981, and in 1993 a Masters of Philosophy in Architectural History/Theory from the University of Manchester, England, where he also taught. He interned with Architectural Resources in Cambridge MA and two firms in Boston, Huygens DiMella and Payette Associates. From 1993 to 2002 he was Professor of Architecture at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield MI where he founded The Detroit Studio, winning two Design Awards from the Detroit Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. He also taught at Roger Williams University in Bristol RI, Manchester Metropolitan University, and Boston Architectural Center. Barrie is a scholar of sacred architecture and the author of The Architecture of the In-between: The Mediating Roles of Architecture; Spiritual Path, Sacred Place: Myth Ritual and Meaning in Architecture; and House and Home: Cultural Contexts, Ontological Roles. He arrived at the NCSU College of Design in 2002 as Director of the School of Architecture, serving until 2007. In 2013, he became Director of the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program at NCSU. NCSU Lecture (2016) 2011 - The Thomas (Tom) Barrie House, aka Mountain Retreat, 1343 Deck Hill Road, Boone NC. 1250 sf. Built by Dacchille Construction. Photos by Eric Morley. Sources include: Thomas Barrie Architect |