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BRETT HAUTOP, AIA (1976-) Hautop grew up in Chicago. He attended the University of Illinois-Champaign then transferred to the NCSU College of Design, where he graduated with a BEDA in 2000 and a BA degree in 2003. While in school, he interned with Flad and Duda/Paine. During school and after graduation, he worked for Freelon until starting his own firm Vernacular Studio in 2005 with Chad Parker. In 2011 the firm merged with Gensler. Hautop left Gensler in 2015 to work for LinkedIn in California. |
2006 - The Watauga Lake House, Butler TN, on Lake Watauga. Belongs primarily to Hautop's uncle and family. Hautop traded design and construction in exchange for a piece of ownership.
2008 - The Jonathan Dodge House, aka Edenton Street Residence, 550 East Edenton Street, Raleigh NC. 2010 - The Mike Blake and Caroline Mamoulides Renovation, aka the Medway Renovation, 2415 Medway Drive, Raleigh NC. Sources include: Brett Hautop; Chad Parker. |