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PAUL LEWIS SNOW (1973-) Snow grew up in Greenboro NC, attending Northwest Guilford HS. He graduated from UNC-CH in 1995. The Modernist architecture bug hit him 2006 when looking for houses in Chapel Hill. He first discovered Jim Webb houses and it took off from there, from design to furniture. By day he is a commercial real estate appraiser. By night, like Batman, he's designing and developing small Modernist houses in Chapel Hill. 2012 - The Alexia Keley and Joshua Starmer House, 223 Greene Street, Chapel Hill NC. Built by Allen Knight. Interiors by Nicole Baxter. 2013 - The Allen J. Jacob House, 221 Greene Street, Chapel Hill NC. Sold in 2016 to Valerie A. and William C. Copeland. 2016 - The Robert A. Sandefur Jr. House, 105 West Poplar Avenue, Carrboro NC. Designed with Szostak Design. Built by Yates-Greene Construction. 2019 - The Samantha M. and Seth C. Brody House, 105 Inara, Carrboro NC. Designed with Ryan Edwards. Photos by Cat Wilborne. 2019 - The Kenneth M. Levine House,103 Inara, Carrboro NC. Designed with Ryan Edwards. For sale in 2025. 2019 - 102 Inara, Carrboro NC. Designed with Ryan Edwards. 2019 - The Andrew C. Peng House,101 Inara, Carrboro NC. Designed with Ryan Edwards. 2020 - The Gerard J. Conrad and Philip L. Liggett House, 106 Inara, Carrboro NC. Designed with Ryan Edwards. 2020 - The Ling Chao Hung and Andrew W. Mann House, 104 Inara, Carrboro NC. Designed with Ryan Edwards. Sources include: Paul Snow. |