Spectator Magazine, published by
Bernie Reeves, started the first Triangle-wide awards
program for architecture in 1984.Kim Devins (later Weiss)
coordinated the juries and wrote the profiles until the
awards transferred to AIA Triangle in the early 1990's.
* Raleigh-Durham International
Airport Terminal, O’Brien Atkins
* Brightleaf Square, Durham, The FWA Group * NCSU College
of Veterinary Medicine, The FWA Group
* Union Carbide, The FWA Group
* Research Triangle Institute,
RTP, Clark Tribble Harris Li
* Green’s Jewelers, BurnsStudio
* Bishop’s Park East, Raleigh,
David Furman
* Hotel Europa, Chapel Hill, O’Brien Atkins
* Hanes Art Center at UNC-CH,
Clark Tribble Harris Li
* McDonald’s Hillsborough Street,
Fred Tolson
* Chatham County Social Services,
* Coie Residence, Durham, Dail
* Somerset Place, David Furman
* Domino’s Pizza Regional HQ,
Durham, Phil Szostak
* Stables/Residence, Orange
County, Phil Szostak
* Carolantic Realty, BurnsStudio
* Walter Davis Library, Chapel
Hill, Boney Architects
* Landmark Center, Raleigh,
Arthur Cotton Moore
* West Park Corporate Center,
Raleigh, Clark Tribble Harris Li
1987 *
UNC Kenan Center, O’Brien Atkins
* The O’Brien/Atkins Building, Durham, O’Brien Atkins *
McGregor Village, Cary, Thompson Ventulett Stainback
* Greg Prygrocki & Alison Wishart
Renovation, Architecture & Design Alliance
* Burns Studio offices,
* Charles River Laboratories, JM
* International Islamic Studies
Bldg, Shaw University, Raleigh, Wes McClure/NBBJ
* One Westchase Executive Center,
Jenkins Peer
* Henderson-Muir Studio, Kenneth
Hobgood and Ronald Cox
* Tolson-Fenly Office Building,
Tolson Associates
* St. Francis United Methodist
Church, BurnsStudio
* Jeffrey Davis Residence,
Jeffrey Davis
* Bob & Mary Peet Residence, Dail
* RDU Terminal C, O’Brien/Atkins
* American Airlines RDU Admirals Club, O’Brien Atkins
Rake & Hoe Utilities Shed, Raleigh, Frank Harmon Architect
* JC Raulston Residence, Raleigh,
* Tucker Carriage House, Raleigh,
* 11000 Regency Parkway, Cary,
* Durham Women’s Clinic, Durham,
* Apex Post Office, Apex, Bohm
* Police Training Center,
Raleigh, Hager Smith Huffman
* Natural Resource Center,
Jenkins Peer
* Supercomputing Center, RTP,
* Lake Crabtree Park Pavilion,
RTP, Spencer Wolf
* North Carolina Hospital Center,
Chapel Hill, O’Brien Atkins
* Frank Porter Graham Elementary
School Addition, Chapel Hill, O’Brien Atkins
* The NC Biotechnology Center, RTP,
Shive Associates
* The Auburn Transmitter, Auburn NC,
Bartholomew Associates

There used to be separate AIA Chapters for Raleigh and
Durham/Chapel Hill. When the two groups merged, the
new AIA Triangle issued Isosceles Awards for exceptional
design starting around 1994.
In 2004, AIA Triangle took on the
award-naming conventions of other national AIA sections:
Honor and Merit awards.
The Isosceles Award was then repurposed to
recognize a non-architect individual who significantly
contributed to the profession.
If you know
of more AIA Triangle honors from past years,
report missing awards
* The Frank Harmon Residence, Frank
Harmon Architect
* A Room for Saying Goodbye
(Unbuilt), Studio 1 Architects
* St. Patrick's Episcopal Mission
Memorial Garden and Columbarium, Studio 1 Architects
* Taylor Vacation House, Frank Harmon
* Outdoor Classroom, Frank Harmon
* NC Pottery Center, Frank Harmon
* Wood Studio, Frank Harmon Architect
* Central Shared Used Building, White Oak MD, Kling
* Johnston County Industries, Inc., Smithfield, Clearscapes
* Capital Fitness, Raleigh, Cannon Architects
* St. Mary Magdalene School, Apex, Roger Clark + Cannon
* Columbarium/Memorial Garden, St. Patrick’s Mission,
Mooresville,Dixon Weinstein Architects + Betsy West
* Freelon Office Upfit, RTP, Freelon Group Architects
* Buffalo Road Athletic Park, Raleigh, BBH-Design
* John and Sally Bugg House (Unbuilt), Durham, Kenneth Hobgood
* Poland/DeFeo Residence Move and Addition, Ellen Cassilly
* Phillips House, North Wilkesboro NC (Unbuilt), Kenneth Hobgood
* 20 Propositions for Suburban Living, Borden Partnership
2004 Isosceles Award – RDU Airport Authority
* Gravely Khachatoorian House, Chapel Hill, Kenneth Hobgood
* Penland Iron Studio, Penland NC, Frank Harmon
* Lake Johnson Water Activities Center, Raleigh, Freelon Group
* Phillips House, North Wilkesboro NC, Kenneth Hobgood
* Buffalo Road Athletic Park, Raleigh, BBH Design
* CBI Showroom, Research Triangle Park,
* Performance Pavilion,
Fayetteville NC,
* Villa Al Bahar, Kuwait City
(Unbuilt), Kuwait, Kenneth Hobgood
* Window Screens for Charleston Low-Country House, Frank Harmon
2005 Isosceles Award – Robert Burns
2006 * Chiles Residence, Raleigh, Tonic Design * FAANC
Medical Office, Raleigh, ARCHITEKTUR PA * House in Piedmont
NC, Frank Harmon Architect * Open Air Classroom, Prairie
Ridge Environmental Education Center, Raleigh, Frank
Harmon Architect * Dog Box, Triangle Beagle Rescue, Durham,
Frank Harmon Architect
* The McCowan Kitchen, Durham, Tonic Design * NC School of
the Arts Welcome Center, Winston Salem, Duda/Paine Architects
* Virginia Key Beach Park Museum, Miami FL,Freelon/Judson Joint
Venture * Bus Shelter – Wake Tech Community College, Raleigh,
Pearce Brinkley Cease + Lee
2006 Isosceles Award – Myrick
Howard, Preservation NC
2007 * Barker Residence, Raleigh,
Vernacular Studio * 101 Bistro and Lounge, Vernacular Studio
* The Hudson, Raleigh, Clearscapes * NCSU Leazar Hall
Addition/Renovation, Raleigh, Cannon Architects * Harvey B.
Gantt African-American Cultural Center, Charlotte, The Freelon
Group and Neighboring Concepts (Unbuilt) * Collins Residence,
Raleigh, Tonic Design * NC Museum of Forestry, Whiteville NC,
Cherry Huffman Architects
* Low Country Residence, Charleston SC, Frank Harmon Architect
* St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School Phase 2, Apex, Roger Clark
+ Cannon Architects * News & Observer Inserting Facility
Renovation, Garner,KlingStubbins
* North Wake Campus Phase 1B, Wake technical Community College,
Raleigh, (Unbuilt), PBC + L
2007 Isosceles Award – Jim Goodmon,
* Fayetteville Festival Park Performance Pavilion:
Fayetteville NC,
and SFL+a Architects
* Webb Dotti Residence, Chapel Hill, Gomes & Staub
101 Bistro & Lounge: Raleigh, Vernacular Studio
* New Anacostia Neighborhood Library, Washington DC,
Freelon Group in association with R. McGhee & Associates
* Beanie & Cecil: Raleigh, Kenneth Hobgood
* Halle Cultural Arts Center of Apex: Clearscapes
2008 Isosceles Award – Tim and Tick Clancy, Clancy and Theys
* 1804 Pictou Road:Raleigh, Mike Rantilla
* Biomanufacturing Research Institute & Technology Enterprise
Facility,NCCU, Durham, Freelon Group
* Circular Congregational Church Addition:Charleston SC, Frank
* Art as Shelter:Raleigh, Tonic Design with Mike Cindric
* Lee Jones House 1 (Unbuilt),Raleigh, Kenneth Hobgood
* Shamlin Residence, Durham, Studio B
* Trois Restaurant, Atlanta GA, Kenneth Hobgood
2009 Isosceles Award – Deborah K. Ross
* Park Shops North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, Pearce Brinkley Cease + Lee
* Laurel Park Elementary School,
Apex, PBC + L
* Walters Residence, Greenville,
Tonic Design
* North Carolina A&T State University
Proctor School of Education, Greensboro, The Freelon Group
* SAS Hall, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, PBC+L
* Robeson County Department of Social
Services (unbuilt), Lumberton NC, Little Diversified
Architectural Consulting
* Lightner Public Safety Center
(unbuilt), Raleigh, KlingStubbins and Cherry Huffman
2010 Gail Lindsey Award: Walters
Residence, Greenville NC, Tonic Design
2010 Isosceles Award – Bernie Reeves,
Metro Magazine
* Aldridge House, Raleigh, Kenneth
* Durham Performing Arts Center, Phil
* Lee Jones House 2 (Unbuilt),
Kenneth Hobgood
* JC Raulston Arboretum Lath House,
Raleigh, Frank Harmon
* Perkins + Will Offices, RTP,
Perkins + Will
* Anacostia Public Library,
Washington DC, Freelon Group
* Duke University East Campus Steam
Plant, Smith Grou
* Gail Lindsey Award: Duke University
East Campus Steam Plant, Smith Group
* Isosceles
Award: NC Museum of Art ,
Dan Gottlieb and Larry Wheeler
for more, see
Isosceles Award – Triangle Modernist
Houses, George Smart
* Grandfather Golf and Country Club Temporary Clubhouse and
Sales Office, Linville NC, Wolf Johnson and Associates
* Sammye E. Coane School, Atlanta GA, Morris Hall and Peter
* Warehouse and Office Building, Atlanta GA, Martin and
* Gruber Residence, 4370 Paran Place, Atlanta GA, Morton Gruber
* Fernbank Science Center, Decatur GA, Toombs Amisano and Wells
* Boggs Academy Classroom Building, Waynesboro GA, Toombs
Amisano and Wells
* Award for Excellence in Architecture, Davidson Residence,
Hillsborough, Dail Dixon and Associates
* Honor Award, Peacock Residence, Chapel Hill, Dail Dixon
and Associates
* Merit Award, Knowledge Based Marketing Headquarters, Chapel
Hill, Dixon Weinstein Architects
Interior Awards Honor
* AV Metro, Raleigh NC, Cannon
* Incara Pharmaceuticals, RTP, BBH
Awards Merit
* Hot Springs Convention Center,
Hot Springs AR, Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback & Associates
* Plush, Raleigh, Kenneth E. Hobgood Architect * DILO
Inc., Charlotte, ARCHITECTS MCMLXXXVIII * St. Peter’s
Catholic Church Renovations, Columbia SC, The Boudreaux
Architects Awards / Honor
* Tulane University Willow Street
Student Housing, New Orleans LA,
Scogin and Merrill Elam * Herman Miller Cherokee
Operations, Canton GA, Mack Scogin and Merrill Elam * Lee
B. Philmon Branch Library, Clayton County Library System
Riverdale GA, Mack Scogin and
Merrill Elam * Mountain Tree House, Dillard GA, Mack
Scogin and Merrill Elam * Sculptor’s Studio, Durham,
Frank Harmon Architect
Awards / Merit
* Market Hall Restoration,
Charleston SC, Joseph K. Oppermann-Architect
* Honeymoon Cottage, Raleigh,
Tonic Design
* NCCU Julius R. Chambers
Biomedical Biotechnology Research Institute, Durham, The
Freelon Group * Helios Coffee Shop/Carson Medlin
Building, Raleigh, Clearscapes * MCI Administration
Building, Cary, O’Brien/Atkins
* Varsity Female Locker Rooms
Addition, McAlister Field House- The Citadel, Charleston SC,
Charleston, South Carolina * Blacksmiths’ Studio Penland
School of Crafts, Penland NC, Frank Harmon Architect
* MidCity Lofts, Atlanta GA, Brock
Green Architects and Planners
* Taylor-Hocking Residence,
Scotland Cay, Bahamas, Frank Harmon Architect
* BTI Center for the Performing
Arts, Raleigh, Pearce Brinkley Cease + Lee
Interior Awards / Merit
* Tyndall Gallery, Szostak Design
* Architects Office Uplift, The
Freelon Group, RTP, North Carolina
* Red Deluze, Archimania,
* Little Durham Office, Little
/Honor * East Side Center for Human Concerns c.1859,
Liollio Architecture
Renovation/Restoration, Reuse / Merit
* Summit Roosevelt, The Housing
* WinShape Restreat, Surber Barber
Choate & Hertlein
* Restoration and Expansion of the
Historic Tennessee Theater, McCarty Holsaple McCarty
Architecture / Honor
* Paletz Moi House, Durham,
Kenneth E. Hobgood Architects, Raleigh, North Carolina *
OSU Knowlton School of Architecture, Mack Scogin Merrill
Elam Architects
* The Georgia Archives, HOK,
Architecture / Merit
* Svatos Pool, Archimania *
1800 Cowart, Hefferlin + Kronenberg Architects
* Museum of African Diaspora, The
Freelon Group *Auburn HD Transmitter Capitol Broadcasting
Company, Auburn NC, ARCHITEKTUR/Thomas Crowder * Gravely
Khachatoorian House, Chapel Hill, Kenneth E. Hobgood *
St. Mary Magdelene Catholic School Phase II, Apex, Roger H.
Clark, FAIA + Cannon Architects
* Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center and
Davis Garage for Wellesley College, Mack Scogin Merrill Elam
Architects * Lightroom Studio, William Carpenter, FAIA
* Matthews Residence, Daniel E. Snyder * Starland Lofts,
Lominak Kolman Smith LLP * Low Country Residence, Mt.
Pleasant SC, Frank Harmon Architect * Woodside, Bauer
Askew Architecture
Design Award Winners / Honor
* 1804 Pictou Road, Michael
Rantilla, AIA
* NCMA Art as Shelter, Raleigh,
Tonic Design
* Power Wrap, Amy Landesberg
* Folk Pottery Museum of Northeast
Georgia, Robert M. Cain
* Laurel Park Elementary School,
Pearce Brinkley Cease + Lee
* NCSU Mathematics + Statistics
Building (SAS Hall)- North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, Pearce Brinkley Cease + Lee
* NCSU Park Shops, Raleigh, Pearce
Brinkley Cease + Lee * Renaissance Walk at Sweet Auburn,
Praxis3 and JW Robinson and Associates
* Prairie Ridge Ecostation, Frank
Harmon Architect
* McKinney Headquarters, Durham,
Duda/Paine Architects
* Ann Arbor District Library
Traverwood Branch, Inform Studio
* The Hudson, Raleigh, Clearscapes
* Biomanufacturing Research
Institute and Technology Enterprise Facility at North
Carolina Center, O’Brien Atkins in association with The
Freelon Group * Bailley HouseStudio, Mack Scogin Merrill
Elam Architects * Jean Gray Hargrove Music Library, Mack
Scogin Merrill Elam Architects * Watermark Office
Building, Perkins + Will
Award Winners /Merit
* NCSU Leazar Hall Renovation +
Addition, Cannon Architects
* Bosserman House aka RainShine
House, Robert M. Cain
* The Rock | A mountain retreat,
Brett Hensey & Susan Hensey, FAIA
* Milliken Fine Arts Center, Craig
Gaulden Davis