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was born in Washington DC and grew up in Oak Park IL.
She graduated in architecture from the University of
Illinios in 1992 plus a Masters in architecture from
University of Washington in 1996. In between degrees she
worked for several years in Chicago, some of which on the
restoration of Frank Lloyd Wright's Dana-Thomas house. She
worked at NBBJ (Seattle) and Clearscapes. She joined
REdesign.build in Raleigh (formerly Alphin Design/Build) in
2013 where she became Design Director. She is also
Principal of REarchitecture, which she co-founded in 2022.
2022 - The Michael Galetti and Donna Ransom House, aka Mayview House, 2723 Mayview, Raleigh NC. Built by REdesign.build. Photo by Keith Isaacs.
Sources include: Jeannine McAuliffe.