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1952 - 756 Christopher Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2022 to Anita D. and Darmesh M. Lakhani.
1955 - The Kenneth Sugioka House, 612 Morgan Creek Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by architect G. Hugh Tsuruoka. Featured in the Chapel Hill News Leader, 11/28/1955. Sold at least once. Sold in 2002 to Roseann Farber and Tom Petes, still owners as of 2024. Photo by Carin Walsh.
1956 - The Harry Macklin House, 112 Noble Street, Chapel Hill NC. Probably built from mail order plans, according to historian Ruth Little. Sold in 1966 to Ralph and Sandra Macklin. Sold to a variety of mortgage companies during the 1970s. Sold in 1975 to Eleanor and Jerome Seng. Sold in 1999 to John and Rita O'Sullivan. Sold in 2017 to Michelle and Roland Normand. Still owners as of 2024. Bottom photo by Leilani Carter.
1957 - 402 Ridgecrest Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2017 to Melissa G. and David H. Cline IV. Sold in 2020 to Bronwyn Charlton and Brian Driska. Still owners as of 2024.
1957 -The Elisabeth W. and Barry T. Winston House, 3 Sycamore Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1976 to Eleanor and Robert N. Broadus. Sold in 1997 to Nina C. Diamond. Sold in 2003 to Kristin M. Hondros and William G. Fick III. Sold in 2014 to Laura T. and James P. Griffin. Still owners as of 2024.
1957 - The John S. Clayton House, 1115 Sourwood Circle, Chapel Hill NC. Manufactured by the National Homes Corporation. Sold in 1967 to Helen Norgord Gillin. Sold in 1996 to Joseph Sica. Sold in 2002 to Thomas C. Tucker. Sold in 2007 to Cheryle J. Wicker. Sold in 2011 to Sandra and Michael McManus. Sold in 2013 to Jeanne A. Shanahan and Thomas M. Simon. Still owners as of 2024.
1957 - 312 Ridgecrest Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1989 to Sledge Chip Corporation. Sold to Virginia S. Koelle. Sold in 1992 to Sonya Ishii and James Hirschfield who still owned it as of 2024. Studio addition by Dail Dixon. Photo by Dail Dixon.
1957 - 806 Kings Mill Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold to Kenneth Hoff, still owner as of 2024.
1958 - The Harold and Mary Ellen Bierck House, 1019 Highland Woods Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by Van Thomas. Renovated. Deeded in 2014 to Richard and Mary E. B. Bierck. Sold in 2016 to Marian and John Rice. Still owners as of 2024.
1959 - The James R. and Gladess Hudspeth Crisp House, 1912 Rolling Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by George Nelson of New York; part of a 1957 plan book, model TriWood, published by Pease of Hamilton OH. Built by a Mrs. Bone. Deeded in 1975 to Gladess. Sold in 2016 to Thorrarin R. Einarsson and Gudrun Johnsen. Sold in 2021 to Elizabeth R. and Brian D. Lin.
1959 - 313 North Estes Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2017 to Bonnie McManus and David Ingram. Still owners as of 2024.
1959 - The Anne L. and Donald B. Anderson House, 620 Greenwood Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by architect Robert Graham Anderson, later the founding Dean of the School of Architecture at UNC Charlotte. Anderson's father, the owner, hired a builder but also actively participated in construction. Deeded in 2010 to Anne L. Anderson. Was a rental 2009-2013. Sold in 2013 to Elaine and Christopher Crowson. Still owners as of 2024.
1960 - The Dan Pollitt House, 1018 Highland Woods Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. 3,000 plus sq ft with in-law suite with separate entrance. Sold in 2012 to Wei and Benjamin Z. Duan-Porter. Placed in their Trust in 2018. Still owners as of 2024.
1960 - The Roger and Dorothy Barton House, 1500 Michaux Road, Chapel Hill NC. Possibly designed by Sumner Winn; needs verification. Built by Carl Ellington. Sold to a Dr. Salisbury. Sold to Marc La Branche. Photo by Jill Blackburn. Sold in 2016 to Anne D. Zangi. Still the owner as of 2024.
1960 - The Joyce and Dave Dobson House, 1034 Highland Woods, Chapel Hill NC. The owners chose a traditional ranch, top photo, straight out of the Durham Morning Herald weekly feature on houses. According to their daughter Pamela Dobson, Herman Lloyd was the builder. Sold in 2007 to Jane and Richard Caswell. There was a fire in 2009 and the house sat empty for several years. As of 2011, it was rebuilt along more modern lines, second photo. Sold in 2013 to Krista and Matthew Mauck. Still owners as of 2024.
1960 - The Morris and Sylvia P. Gelblum House, 607 Rock Creek Road, Chapel Hill NC. Built from a planbook designed by Richard Pullman, an architect working for Irving Palmquist Homeplanners. Sold in 2006 to Carol A. and Kevin M. Kennedy. Sold in 2013 to Susan E. Hunter and Charles S. Garrison. Still owners as of 2024.
1960 - The Bea and Howard D. Henry House, 211 Marilyn Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2008 to Miriam L. and Robert A. Troxler. Sold in 2013 to Aferdita and Enton Hito. Deeded in 2015 to their TD Marilyn LLC. Still owners as of 2024.
1960 - The James (Dick) McCallum House, 723 Smith Level Road, Chapel Hill NC. Address is now 140 Fig Tree Lane. Designed by James McCallum. Sold in 2017 to Anton and Erin Shaughnessy Zuiker. Still owners as of 2024.
1960 - 1909 South Lakeshore Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2015 to Mary K. and Rene Lorenz. Sold in 2024 to the Taylor Family Trust.
1960 - The Boyd Ellington House, 205 Simpson Street, Carrboro NC. Designed by Boyd Ellington and his father. Sold in 2023 to Adam and Ashley Roberts.
1961 - The Thom and Beulah Stowe Collins House, 1920 South Lakeshore Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. The family had a colonial-era church bell they rung every July 4, according to former neighbor Kathy Higginbotham. Beulah Collins died in 1983. In 1985 the house was sold by sons Todd, Paul, and Kent Collins to Louis Crittenden who redid the kitchen and bathrooms. Sold in 1989 to William Edward McConaghay. Sold in 2004 to Richard Crandall. Sold in 2006 to Chad and Jennifer McGlone. Still owners as of 2024. Renovated by Steven Fisher of Carrboro who closed in the carport and added a second story. As of 2009, none of the owners know the name of the original architect. Kent Collins recalls the builder as M. J. Cowell. He also recalls that the original house number was 15 Lakeshore Drive; in the 1970s, Chapel Hill renumbered the entire Lake Forest neighborhood.
1961 - The Francis X. Foster and Constance E. Foster Residence, 381 Wesley Court, Chapel Hill NC. 3100 square feet. Although not Modernist in the traditional sense, this plain looking split-level was unique on the inside. Constance Foster significantly modified a magazine plan and got John Cates to build it for $22,000. Some subsequent owners recall it without fondness; the layout was chaotic and didn't make sense. It has been subsequently renovated and improved. Sold in 1964 to Maurice and Marcia Hall. Sold in 1967 to William J. and Sally L. Powers. Sold in 1971 to Andrew McDowd (Mac) Secrest and Ann Secrest. Sold to Donald W. Johnson. Sold to Liselott Weininger Mathews. Sold to James Gray McAllister. Sold to Gordon R. Dragt. Sold in 1985 to John L. and Evelyn Monroe. Sold in 1990 to Gregg D. and Carmela Kemp. Sold in 1992 to Don Andrews and Amy Svoboda. Sold in 2005 to Michael and Sally Gray. Sold in 2006 to Charles and Christine Stanley. Sold in 2009 to Brian Laduc and Louise Williams. Sold in 2021 to Robert A. Reece, still the owner as of 2024.
1961 - The Earle and Elaine M. Wallace House, 215 Marilyn Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown; the design may have been from a plan book, according to their son, Scott. There was a fire in the 1980s that did extensive structural damage. The house was rebuilt and sold in 1993 to Christopher S. and Denise M. Adams. Sold in 1996 to Holden Thorp. Sold in 1999 to Coalter Lathrop and Amy Santin. Sold in 2010 to Keith Hayes and Bridget Hillyer. Sold in 2020 to Katharine Harrold. Sold in 2024 to Andrew D. Barrett.
1962 - The Gilbert and Kathleen Berentzen Chase Residence, 2105 Damascus Church Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by John Eldridge (Jack) DeCell III from Yazoo City MS and New Orleans LA. DeCell graduated from Yale in 1958 and was a Fulbright Scholar in Italy from 1960-1962. The builder was Robert Oakes. Sold to James and Marylin Riddle. Sold to John Edmund Phillips. Sold to Mary Beth Powell. Sold in 2005 to Richard and Cyan Godfrey. Still owners as of 2024. Arthur Cogswell did an addition in 1972.
1962 - The Robert and Margaret Lester Jr. House, 117 Bowden Road (aka SR 1946), Chapel Hill NC. 7.5 acres. Designed by Robert M. Lester Jr. He asked a local architect to draw up his idea. Built by a local contractor. A large addition came later in 1962 including an entry foyer with half bath, study, and master suite on the south side of the house. The basement, added with the addition, was intended to be a rec room. It included both an exterior stairwell and door and trap-door access from a closet inside the master suite. Sold in 1979 to Bernard Flatow. Sold in 1999 to Eugene and Susana Polisky. As shown in the lower photos it seriously deteriorated. Foreclosed in early 2011, then sold later in 2011 to Edward H. Kennedy. Sold in 2012 to Robert and C. Shuping. Still owners as of 2024. Top two photos by Brooks Lester.
1962 - The Jonas and Alice Kessing House, 401 North Elliott Road, Chapel Hill NC. This was a prefab house designed by Richard Wright. According to Alice Kessing, they hired Oliver Spainhour to put it together and add on a room. They added on again in 1964. Sold in 1973 to Samuel Longiotti. Sold in 1981 to Edward and Jean Lacombe. Sold in 2010 to Wai Lee Lui and Johannes M. Hoerler, still owners as of 2024. Renovation/addition in 2011 designed by Vinny Petrarca and built by David Ballard Construction. Landscaping by Francis Landscaping.
1962 - The Bill and Clarice Page House, 400 Lindsay Street, Carrboro NC. Built by Bill Page's uncle, Ed Mann. After a tree limb hit a car, Bill Page built another garage, second photo. Sold in 2020 to Sara Bacon and Antonia Hartley.
1962 - 2013 South Lakeshore Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2016 to the Lynne K. and Charles H. Hicks Revocable Trust. Still owners as of 2024.
1962 - The Claude and Sara McClure House, 300 Lone Pine Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Palmquist and Wright. Deeded in 1991 to Sara McClure. Deeded in 1997 to Frances McClure, still the owner as of 2024.
1962 - 1008 Hillside Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2016 to Maria A. Guadalupe and Lino B. Guzman. Still owners as of 2024.
1962 - The Joyce B. and William J. Peck House, 314 Glendale Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2012 to Patricia L. and William Gwinn who added to the house during an extensive renovation. Sold in 2015 to Michael H. Potter and Todd A. Gregory. Still owners as of 2024.
1962 - 726 Shadylawn Court, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2023 to K. B. and George Baroud.
1963 - 47 Cedar Street, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2021 to Ashley M. and William W. Wells. Still owners as of 2024.
1963 - The Dorothy H. and Alan C. Thurston House, 53 Cedar Street, Chapel Hill NC. The Thurstons ordered this Plan 1103 from Home Planners (Irving Palmquist as architect and Richard B. Pullman). Possibly built by Ted Tillman, who is known to have built others in the area. Needs verification. Sold by Dorothy in 1989 to Lucy Jo and Frank E. De Monchaux. Sold in 2019 to Leslie Rinehart. Transferred in 2020 to Lazarus Design & Build LLC who did a substantial renovation. Sold in 2021 to The Glenn Ricart Family Trust. Still owners as of 2024.
1964 - The Lilian and James W. Pruett House, 343 Wesley Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2013 to Laura L. and William A. Sanders. Sold in 2017 to Rebecca G. and Jacob E. Maine. Sold in 2019 to Emily F. and Andrew Marlin. Transferred in 2021 to their trust. Still owners as of 2024.
1964 - The Paul L. and Mary Ellen Jones Munson House, 407 Clayton Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Carlyle John (Lyle) Stehman. Sold in 1971 to Kenneth B. and Cecily Collins. Sold in 1972 to Paul T. Tompkins. Sold in 1976 to Thomas L. Eisenhower. Sold in 1984 to Louis and Genevieve A. Jansen. Transferred to Genevive in 2000 upon Louis's passing. Still owner as of 2024. Photo by Heather Wagner.
1964 - The Helen M. and Maurice M. Henkels Jr. Residence, 2304 Honeysuckle Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1974 to Sarah and Frances F. Harrell. Sold in 1990 to Lucy A. Savits and David A. Savits. Sold in 2005 to Lucy A. Savitz. Sold in 2011 to Carol A. Prokop and R. Woodrow Setzer Jr. Still owners as of 2024.
1964 - 1505 Halifax Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1999. Sold in 2010 to Kara Lynn Kooken. Still owners as of 2024.
1964 - 612 Shady Lawn Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1972 to Lou Ann and David J. Brower. Sold in 2019 to Sarah Lipscomb. Still owners as of 2024.
1964 - The Mary Jane and Walter A. Burns Jr. House, 312 Glenwood Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1977 to Patricia and Paul D. Fullager. Sold in 1993 to Martha S. and Donald C. Lo, still owners as of 2024. Addition and renovation in 2019-2020 designed by James Carnahan of Matrix Design. Built by Bruce Miles Construction. Photo by Virginia Faust.
1965 - 600 Brookview Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1990 to Robert C. English. Sold to John and Jeanne Moran. Sold in 1999 to Sara Sommers and Randy Cubrilovic. Sold in 2002 to Tara Pressley and Lars F. Jarskog. Sold in 2008 to Gary and Ruth Little who still owned it as of 2024.
1965 - The Marianne S. Breslin House, 1704 Michaux Road, Chapel Hill NC. Commissioned 1964. Designed from a plan book by Rudolph A. Matern. Built by Herman B. Lloyd. Sold in 2012 to the Keith G.and Louanne B. Warren Living Trust. Sold in 2018 to Ian E. Jackson. Photo by Jill Blackburn.
1965 - The Troy and Roberta Chandler Andrews House, 600 Bolin Brook Farm Road, Carrboro NC. Designed by Swiss architect Franc Sidler, student of Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin in the early 1950s. Sidler was not involved in its construction but he did attend the housewarming party along with several invited faculty from the NCSU School of Design. The walls of the house are made primarily of a light-colored lava (dacite felsite) which came from a local volcano that was active about 650 million years ago. As of 2024 owned by their daughter, Jean Earnhardt, and her husband John.
1965 - The Patricia and Paul J. Kropp House, 606 Concordia Court, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by James A. Alexander. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2013 to Beverley L. and Amos G. Tyndall. Still owners as of 2024.
1965 - 115 Meadowbrook Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2015 to Pallavi Sukhia and Virmani Singh. Still owners as of 2024.
1965 - The Marie N. and Charles N. Reilly House, 2025 South Lakeshore Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold by heirs in 1982 to Barbara W. and Thomas F. Boat. Sold in 1993 to Jeffrey C. Richardson. Sold in 1994 to Mary Lou Melville and Richard J. Gugelman. Sold in 2016 to Barbara N. and John K. Watkin. Still owners as of 2024.
1965 - 67 Burris Place, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Deeded in 1988 to Libby C. Lefkowitz. Sold in 1992 to Julian B. and John Rosenthal. Sold in 2018 to Debra M. Zaret and Rodney D. Mclamb. Still owners as of 2024.
1965 - The Rose E. and George S. Baroff House, 417 Granville Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2021 to Zachary and Brooke Hames. Sold in 2022 to Doug Edmunds and Melissa Hernandez. Still owners as of 2024.
1965 - The Thelma L. and Jay A. Norem House, 1600 Halifax Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Has an unusual fireplace and wrap-around deck. Sold in 1977 to Esther L. and Ira J. Gordon. Sold in 2006 to Rebecca E. Yesteboe and John M. Harlan. Sold in 2021 to Jason R. Heinz. Still the owner as of 2024.
1965 - The Donald and Martha Kaye Powell House, 332 Erwin Road, Chapel Hill NC. Located in Durham County. Designed by the owners. Builder unknown. Addition in the 1970s. Sold in 2023 to Kata and Mathew Walters who did a renovation. Sold in 2024 to Devlina E. Davis
1966 - The J. Herbert (Herb) and Catherine Holland House, 1904 South Lakeshore Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1970 to Jamescina and Joseph J. Degraffenreidt Jr. Sold in 2006 to Scott Dwyer. Sold in 2012 to Katherine M. Norton and Fernando B. Salcedo. Kitchen renovations by Becky Shankle/Ecomodernism, bottom photo. Sold in 2015 to Eric Blair and Isabel Llorente as the Blair Llorente Trust. Sold in 2018 to Robertus Van Kempen and Maria Van Tilburg. Still owners as of 2024. Exterior photo by Dail Dixon.
1966 - The John W. Scott Jr. House, 2308 Honeysuckle Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1998 to Kimberly N. and Brian E. Nicoll. Sold in 2016 to Stephanie L. and Stephen R. Nally. Still owners as of 2024.
1966 - 204 Oleander Road, Carrboro NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1974 to George S. Lensing Jr. Sold in 2019 to Lydia Lopez and Peter Brayshaw. Still owners as of 2024.
1966 - The E. Muriel and C. James Dyer House, 411 Granville Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1975 to Leah M. and Norman Lefstein. Sold in 1989 to Dianne L. Bachman and James P. Baumhover. Before her untimely death, Dianne was a licensed architect, member of AIA, Director of Construction Services for UNC-Chapel Hill and former chair of Chapel Hill's Appearance and Design Commission. Inherited by James in 2015. Sold in 2021 to Meredith C. Graham, Mclean K. Quinn, and Theresa M. Kemper. Still owners as of 2024.
1966 - 328 Burlage Circle, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2023 to Anne and Jochen Schwarz. Still owners as of 2024.
1967 - The Robert M. Stephenson Jr. House, 1726 Allard Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold to the Prazmas. Sold to the Maultsbys. Sold to the Wilsons. Sold to Carlos and Christina Santi. Sold in 2020 to Mary C. and Jeremy Barnes. Still owners as of 2024.
1967 - The Clifton P. and Clara Jones House, 550 Piney Mountain Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1980 to Jack E. and Nora K. Reed. Sold in 1987 to David and Terry Snyder. Sold in 1989 to Gary J. and Elizabeth Pielak. Sold in 1993 to Bryan and Lilith Shane. Sold in 1998 to Santos and Mary Alverez. Sold in 2007 to Anne S. Lawrence and Sheridan Bell. Sold in 2008 to Jeffrey Dewitte. Still owners as of 2024.
1967 - 1709 Curtis Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1971 to Joseph Rowand. Sold in 1986 to Clifford A. Parrish Jr. Sold in 2010 to George Douglas Wicker. Sold in 2012 to Elin O'Hara Slavick and David B. Richardson. Sold in 2021 to Brittny Roller and Simon D. Arnold. Still owners as of 2024. Photo by Heather Wagner.
1967 - 404 Morgan Creek Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Richard B. Pollman of Home Planners, Inc, a plan book publisher. This is model N1126 without the garage. Sold in 2016 to Atarazia, LLC. Sold in 2021 to Veronica and Hunter Beattie. Still owners as of 2024.
1967 - 1727 Allard Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2023 to Kara and Michael Rothberg. Still owners as of 2024.
1968 - The Frances Brantly Goodwin House, aka Cats Meow, 406 Lyons Road, Chapel Hill NC. Goodwin moved to NC from Santa Fe NM where she lived in a house designed by Frank Welch, noted Texas Modernist architect. Taking ideas from that house, she created this house with additional inspiration from a plan book. Originally 1900 square feet. Sold in 1972 to Lorin and Sue Campbell. In 1976, the Campbells divorced and house went to Sue Campbell. Sold in 2000 to James S. Resnick and Janet Kagan. Ellen Weinstein designed a 2001 addition, built by McLean, bottom photo. Deeded in 2010 to Janet Kagan. Sold in 2016 to Megan W. and Eric W. Butler. Sold in 2019 to Meredith and Alberto Tarajano. Sold in 2022 to Richard Samulski Jr.
1968 - The Heidi G. Chapman House, 7 Bartram Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Built by J. P. Goforth. Architect unknown. Sold in 2012 to Renee A. and Peter Bosman. Still owners as of 2024.
1968 - 1431 Poinsett Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1990 to Cornelia Maurer, still the owner as of 2024. Photo by Duffy Healey.
1968 - The Victor P. and Doris Bowles House, 1712 Michaux Road, Chapel Hill NC. Custom design and build by C. S. Whitt. Sold in 1999 to Jim Pearce. Sold in 2018 to Erin P. and Ian E. Jackson. Still owners as of 2024. Photo by Jim Pearce.
1968 - The Caroline B. and Wilmer St. Clair Cody House, 421 Ridgecrest Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Told the lot was "unbuildable" the couple was inspired by a house designed by Baltimore architect Charles H. Richter, magazine article photo above. E. J. (Peg) Owens, a developer in Chapel Hill, had one of his draftsman interpret the plans. Ed Mann built the house. Over the years, other owners gabled the flat roof, eliminated windows, put an addition on the right side, and essentially eradicated the Modernist design, bottom photo. Sold in 1972 to Jim and Diane Lea. Sold in 1979 to Aaron and Ethel Gold. Sold in 1980 to Avram and Karen Gold. Sold in 1983 to Konrad and Hannelore Jarausch, still the owners as of 2024.
1968 - 2131 North Lakeshore Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2017 to Lily Farel and Spence Hanemann. Still owners as of 2024.
1968 - The Dempsey A. and Margie L. Calhoun House, 83 Karen Calhoun Road, Pittsboro NC. Designed by Henry Norris, as part of Better Homes and Gardens plan 3709-A. Serving as their own general contractors, the Calhouns sourced regional materials: heavy forest pine beams from Winston Salem; handmade bricks formerly part of a Little Washington warehouse that once held cannonballs from the Civil War; and field stone gleaned from the surrounding area for the massive rock pillars the owner laid himself. The primary wood for the outside sheathing was rough-sawn cypress custom cut from a sawmill in Roanoke Rapids. The owner dipped each board in a large metal trough of solvent and burnt umber pigment to achieve the dark brown color. The kitchen ceiling used the same cypress boards planed for paneling. The roof was constructed from sold tongue-and-groove flooring. Sold in 2020 to Rebecca and Bill Newton, who previously owned a house in Durham by Frank DePasquale.
1969 - The Ladnor and Shirley Geissinger House, 1105 Old Lystra Road, Chapel Hill NC. Built by J. P. Goforth. Designed by the Geissingers and a draftsman named Bisbing in Chapel Hill. Sunroom added in 1994 and below it a storage area, walk in closet and bathroom designed by Steven Gaddis. Still owned by the Geissingers as of 2024.
1969 - The Robert Byrd House, 404 North Elliott Road, Chapel Hill NC. Built from mail order plans by J. P. Goforth. Sold to Patricia Bryan. Sold to Stephen Huddart. Sold to Lisa Tust. Sold in 2017 to Katherine A. Leary and Scott E. Miller. Still owners as of 2024. Color photo by Lucy Pittman.
1969 - The Ellen A. and John H. Hoggard House, 1709 Audubon Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1972 to Bess P. and George B. Autry. Sold in 2001 to Carol A. and David M. Price. Sold in 2017 to Janice Wang and Herman Pontzer. Still owners as of 2024.
1969 - 629 Sugarberry Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth, according to 628 Kensington owner Radu Rosu. Sold to Bruce and Betty Crumpton. Sold in 2010 to Gary T. Henry and Pamela Sack. Sold in 2013 to Daniel and Linda Janssen. Still owners as of 2024.
1969 - The Paul and Sylvia Hubbard House, 1710 Audubon Road, Chapel Hill NC. Based on a design by L. M. Brunier & Associates of Portland OR with extensive modifications by the Hubbards. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2014 to Katherine L. Mottola and Robert S. Taylor. Still owners as of 2024. Photos by Jill Ridky-Blackburn and Jim Pearce.
1969 - The Beryl C. and Robert J. M. Horton House, 601 Lakeshore Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Built from mail order plans. Later, the kitchen was expanded towards the street along with adding a screen porch. Sold in 1989 to Kenneth G. Jens and Betty Nye Gordon. Sold in 1998 to Donald R. and Susan W. Brewer. Sold in 2013 to Maureen H. and John G. Ward. Sold in 2016 to Emily C. and Stephen D. Moorefield. Still owners as of 2024.
1969 - The Raymond P. and Betty P. White Jr. House, 1506 Velma Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2011 to Bernard D. Rhein Family Trust. Sold later in 2011 to Barbara and Eugene McDonald. Renovated in 2013 by Bill Waddell and built by Leon Meyers (bottom three photos). Sold in 2021 to Wei Li and Michael J. McDonald. Still owners as of 2024.
1969 - The Maurice and Joan Bursey House, 837 Shady Lawn Road, Chapel Hill NC. Built by J. P. Goforth. Johnny Morris was associated with the project. Identical to 1400 Ravenhurst in Raleigh. Sold to Eric Munsat, still the owner as of 2024.
Around 1969 - The Hopper House, 1708 Michaux Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect and builder unknown. Unique to this home is its construction around a centerpiece fireplace. Sold to George D. Hughes and Elizabeth Hughes. Sold to Elizabeth Hughes. Sold in 2008 to Harry and Karin Waelti Cross. Sold in 2009 to Karin Waelti. Sold in 2010 to Vincent A. Brown and Ajantha Subramanian. Sold in 2012 to James Sinnott and Ranya Hahn. Still owners as of 2024. Photo by Ranya Hahn.
1970 - 406 Lakeshore Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1970 to Mary W. D. and Rollie Tillman Jr. Sold in 1996 to Dianne H. and Frank H. Christensen. Deeded in 2011 to Frank H. Christensen. Sold in 2023 to Beth S. Posner.
1970 - 1707 Curtis Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Abandoned and foreclosed. Sold in 2017 to Shing Yeung. Sold in 2021 to Kandyce S. and Thomas S. Brennan. Still owners as of 2024.
1970 - The Charles Herbert (Herb) and Elizabeth (Betty) W. Ellis House, 411 Lakeshore Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Herb Ellis, a senior engineer at IBM. Sold in 1983 to Eliot Roy Weintraub and Margaret Edwards Weintraub. According to Roy Weintraub, "Herb seemed to have been in charge of design; indeed, he made the building his work. He was one of those engineers who are always in error but never in doubt. I know for instance that he purchased the bricks from a destroyed warehouse in Greensboro and the wood from a farmhouse that was being torn down. It took him a few years to accumulate that kind of stuff. It was designed around the swimming pool since Betty had a degenerating spine and spent her time lying down. But the house was a wonder. From the Rube Goldberg plumbing system, which no plumber could fix, to the structural defects of a flat roof, to the absence of an entrance to the house except through the carport and swimming pool, to the crazy-making kitchen which was divided into essentially two rooms, to the fact that every bathroom had a door exit to the pool." The kitchen has since been remodeled. Sold in 1989 to Anthony B. and Marsha S. O'Hare. Sold in 1997 to Katherine Coleman Ballew and J. Hunter Ballew. Sold in 2006 to Emily Moseley and Robert J. Esther. Still owners as of 2024.
1970 - 810 Kenmore Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2005. Sold in 2016 to Daniel Yeam and Mytrang Nguyen. Still owners as of 2024.
1970 - The Walter and Gretchen E. Locher House, 1713 Audubon Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Richard B. Pollman of Home Planners Inc, a plan book publisher. This is model N1126 without the centrally located fireplace. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1983 to Michael J. Rosenberg and Ellen Ruina. Sold in 2001 to James and Joan Seifert Rose who still owned it as of 2021. Still owners as of 2024. Photo by Heather Wagner.
1970 - The Lester and Betty Ball House, 1707 Audubon Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by architect Thomas O'Shea of Raleigh in 1968. Probably built by J. P. Goforth. The Balls divorced; Betty Ball stayed in the house and later married Richard Cocke. Sold to Bill and Terry Delanty. Sold to Michael Johnson and Nancy Esterbrooks. Sold to Gail Gillespie and Dwight Rogers, still owners as of 2024. Photo by Chase Hanes.
1970 - The Kenneth F. Bott Jr. House, 624 Sugarberry Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed and built by Bruce Crumpton of Spence Lester and Crumpton. Sold in 2013 to Judson Bowman. Sold in 2019 to Amaloo Family Investments LLC. Still owner as of 2024, but the house has been destroyed.
1970 - The Edward Johnson House, 6000 Buckhorn Road, Hillsborough NC. Designed and built by Bomar Construction. Similar to a Deck House. As of 2021 still owned by Edward Johnson. Still owners as of 2024.
1970 - 1419 Gray Bluff Trail, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold to Robert D. Vance, still the owner as of 2024. Photo by Duffy Healey.
1970 - 603 Rock Creek Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2016 to Arun Krishnamurthy and Shivani Bansal. Sold in 2021 to Suzanne Lye and Luke Moland. Still owners as of 2024.
1970 - 674 Brookview Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1987 to Genevieve W. Cotter and Charles E. Potter. Sold in 2017 to Eunsil Yim and Jaemuygn Kim. Still owners as of 2024.
1971 - The Irvine R. Hagadorn House, 405 Lyons Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Richard Pollman and Irving Palmquist. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1976 to Patrick Dolan. Sold in the late 1980s to the Blackburn family, still owners as of 2024. An addition in 1990 was done in consultation with Ellen Weinstein. Photo by Jill Blackburn.
1971 - The Henry and Elizabeth Watkins House, 2520 Falls Drive, Chapel Hill NC. 1723 sf. Architect unknown. Built by Don Ward. Sold in 2005 to Owen Franklin and Charles Cobine. Sold in 2007 to Michael and Laurie Kronenberg. Sold in 2010 to Mark and Constanza Radcliffe. Still owners as of 2024.
1971 - The George and Ann Lathrop House, 606 Greenwood Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed and built by Bomar Construction. This was the first house built by Bomar. Sold in 1996 to Priscilla L. and John Manley Dennison. Sold in 2023 to Emily E. and Peterson J. Avetta.
1971 - The Gwen Cooke Loudermilk House, 2 Chatham Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1999 to Margaret Creasy Ciardella. Sold in 2001 to Christie Blackburn and Darlene Nicgorski. Sold in 2013 to Xiaoshu and Yiwen Wang. Sold in 2021 to Yun Ding.
1971 - The Glenn D. Corley House, 216 May Court, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by architect Glenn D. Corley. Sold in 1978 to J. William Blue Jr. Sold in 1985 to Michael J. and Denise M. Larson. Sold in 1993 to Kenneth J. Horton Jr. Sold in 2002 to Hannah Jane Shealy, still owner as of 2024.
1971 - The Robert B. Cornwell House, 1722 Allard Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1985 to Wesley and Gail Cox. Sold in 1997 to Ronald and Katherine Falk. Sold in 2012 to Scott and Candace Kelly. Still owner as of 2024. Photo by Carin Walsh.
1971 - 2408 Honeysuckle Road, Chapel Hill NC. Sold in 2016 to Anna P. Pena. Still owner as of 2024.
1971 - 614 Beech Tree Court, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Kitchen renovation by Knox Tate. Sold in 2023 to Renata Dolz and Daniel Epel.
1971 - The Nelda and Raymond E. Prime House, 203 Carol Street, Carrboro NC. Built by Orange Builders LLC. Transferred in 1983 to a relocation company. Sold several times. Sold in 2022 to Zahra S. Girnary and Paul G. Durkin II. Still owners as of 2024.
1972 - 309 Shelton Street, Carrboro NC. Flat roof with cinder block walls. Architect unknown. Sold in 1973 to Willaire Inc. Sold in 1988 to Elsie Gooch. Sold in 1994 to Susan Rodemeir who still owned it as of 2021. Sold in 2022 to Maria and Augustin Fiorinto. Photo by Julie Hollenbeck.
1972 – The Charles (Charlie) Delmar House, 500 Bayberry Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Built by J. P. Goforth. Designed by Charlie Delmar. Sold to Carol Nagy. Sold around 2020.
1972 - The Sang-Il and Etsuyo Choi House, 1714 Michaux Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Photo by Jill Blackburn. Deeded in 2001 to Etsuyo Choi, still owner as of 2024.
1972 - The Jeanette and David Falk House, 1711 Allard Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed and built by J. P. Goforth. Styled to look like a Deck House. Sold in 2004 to Dan and Becky Broun. Sold in 2020 to Joshua Garcia and Justin Uzl. Still owners as of 2024. Photo by Jill Blackburn.
1972 - The Barclay and Elizabeth Martin House, 1439 Poinsett Drive, Chapel Hill NC. 2496 sf. Designed and built by Bomar Construction. Sold in 1983 to Frank and Patricia Dominguez. Sold to Helen and Allan Lehman, still owners as of 2024. Photos by Duffy Healey.
1972 - The Gisela B. and Robert P. Kusy House, 113 Cynthia Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Transferred in 2008 to Gisela Kusy. Sold in 2014 to Yuechuan Yuan and Wenyuan Xiong. Still owners as of 2024.
1972 - 901 Kings Mill Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold to Douglas A. Drossman, still owner as of 2024.
1972 - The Mary R. and M. Lindsay House, 1291 NC Hwy 87, Pittsboro NC. Built by Raymond K. Bouldin. His son, Ray Jr., who worked on the house, does not recall if an architect was involved. Has a bomb shelter. Sold in 2013 to Debra and Kitrick Sheets. Sold in 2018 to Margaret T. Condon and Mark E. Neumann. Still owners as of 2024.
1973 - 2204 Winterberry Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1980 to Carl and Elizabeth Strawser. Sold later in 1980 to Joe F. Matthews Jr. Sold in 1982 to Martin and Diane Latta. Sold in 1985 to Joe F. Matthews Jr. Sold in 1991 to Joe and Diane Matthews. Sold in 2000 to David and Cathy Giffen. Sold in 2006 to Michael and Kathleen Gleason. Sold in 2013 to Oldin and Monica Mihalcescu. Sold in 2016 to Philip and Ann Weber. Still owners as of 2024.
1973 - The John William and Nova Jeanne Gastineau House, 409 Lyons Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by architect Merle Dixon. Built by Dennis Howell. Morris King was the landscape architect. Still owned by the Gastineaus as of 2021. Deeded to John William in 2023. Photo by Chase Hanes.
1973 - The Eugenia Conway House, 1720 Allard Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. As of 2024, still owned by Conway. Photo by Jill Blackburn.
1974 - The Aideen M. and Robert F. Weickert House, 633 Totten Place, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2017 to Shawn Tedman. Sold in 2020 to Karen and Hari Gopalakrishna. Still owners as of 2024.
1974 - The John J. and Kathleen Gallagher House, 401 Lakeshore Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1984 to William and Nancy Hook. Sold in 2004 to Joel D. Farren and Darcy Berger. Renovated in 2005 by architect Jay Fulkerson. Sold in 2008 to Jeffrey and Sonya Fischer. Sold in 2011 to William and Valerie Copeland. Sold in 2017 to Susanna Caviglia and Nicolas Brunel. Still owners as of 2024.
1974 - The Joseph and Marie Lovera House, 637 Kensington Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 1980 to Homequity Inc. Sold in 1989 to John P. and Martine Yolande Eckblad. Sold in 2004 to Randall J. and Rosalia G. Blanco. Still owners as of 2024.
1974 - The William R. and Sarah Proffit House, 620 Rock Creek Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by KY architect Richard B. Isenhour. Sold in 2009 to Brian and Helen B. Buckley. Sold in 2012 to David and Leigh Dasher. Still owners as of 2024.
1974 - 1436 Poinsett Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold to Anne S. Wynne. Sold in 1999 to Kenneth M. Gorforkle. Sold in 2021 to The Pamela and Robert Bowen O. Jr. Trust. Still owners as of 2024. Photo by Duffy Healey.
1974 - The Bob Bryan House, 206 Davie Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Designed and built by Bryan, who was a realtor. Sold in 1976 to Marge and Bill Cowan. Sold in 2007 to Barrington Hill. Renovated by Jay Fulkerson. Sold in 2017 to Maze Hill LLC. Sold in 2020 to Colette J. Shen and Wesley R. Legant, Trustees. Still owners as of 2024. Second photo by Heather Wagner.
1974 - The Jan and Aletta Boeke House, 613 Kensington Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown but probably a Deck or plan book house. Sold in 1992 to Robert and Vivian V. Plonsey. The Plonseys added onto the house and repositioned the front steps. Sold in 2001 to Elizabeth and David W. Hays Jr. Sold in 2003 to Geoffrey Harpham and Joan Barasovska. Sold in 2016 to Susan Hester and Sarah Douglass. Still owners as of 2024.
1974 - The Frederick and Carol Russ House, 7522 Kennebec Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1996 to Gary and Elizabeth Smith. Sold in 2024 to Jenny Boyd and Conrad Hayter.
1974 - 2549 Owens Court, Chapel Hill NC. Built by J. P. Goforth. Architect unknown. Sold in 2013 to Katherine A. Stefko. Sold in 2015 to Jasmine Chehrazi. Sold in 2020 to Christine and Jason Eden. Still owners as of 2024.
1974 - 110 Farrington Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Walter Pierce. Sold in 2017 to Shiney and Michael D. Deel. Still owners as of 2024.
1974 - The Tina S. and David Lee House, 105 Highland Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2005 to Maria and Artem Kazantseva. Was a rental for a few years. Sold in 2020 to Selde and Randal Reed. Still owners as of 2024.
1975 - The Susan and H. Mark Daley Jr. House, 2411 Honeysuckle Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1976 to Doris P. and James H. Shumaker. Sold in 1980 to David E. and Bonnie M. Boaz. Lucy Carol Davis did renovations in the 1980s and 1990s. Sold in 2013 to Jennifer and Eric B. Vuillermet. Still owners as of 2024.
1975 - 233 Forest Hill Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1983 to Maurice and A. Marie Graves. Sold in 1991 to Edgar and Susan Marston. Sold in 1995 to Elaine C. O. Burgwyn. Sold in 1998 to Daniel Rosin and Scott Wojnovich. Sold in 2002 to Scott Wojnovich and Lisa Orringer. Sold in 2005 to Robin and Phillip Motley Jr. Sold in 2015 to Caitlan MacKinnon-Patterson and Thomas Dangelo. Still owners as of 2024.
1975 - 291 Lystra Estates Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2006 to Rebecca M. and Brent A. Mckee. Kitchen renovation by Georgia Bizios. Sold in 2016 to Paula L. and Brian H. Leonard. Still owners as of 2024.
1975 - 1423 Gray Bluff Trail, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold to Louise Zjawin Francke. Sold in 1998 to Craig M. McKay. Sold in 2014 to Elizabeth and Pearl Leone. Sold in 2020 to Lisa Della Vecchia and Paul Heighton. Still owners as of 2024. Photo by Duffy Healey.
1975 - 641 Wellington Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2017 to Mark Gersovitz. Still owners as of 2024.
1975 - 628 Kensington Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth, according to owner Radu Rosu. Sold to Nancy and Eben F. Tilly Jr. Deeded to Nancy Tilly. Sold in 2006 to Radu Rosu. Still owners as of 2024. Available for rent.
1976 - The Ed and Pat Wagner House, 1427 Gray Bluff Trail, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Joe Mason. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1984 to William and Liz Bolen. Still owners as of 2024. Photo by Duffy Healey.
1976 - The Thomas and Laurie (Annie) Freeman House, 232 Knollwood Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Designed and built by Thomas Freeman. Sold in 2009 to Bryan W. and Laura L. Matthews. Still owners as of 2024.
1976 - 1421 Gray Bluff Trail, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Joseph Mason of Baltimore MD. Structural engineer, Skarda and Rickert. Sold to William E. Rupp. Sold in 2004 to Carol Oleson. Sold in 2019 to Deborah and Joe Carbo. Transferred in 2024 to the Joseph and Deborah Carbo Trust.
1976 - The Coyla and Edward G. Barry House, 1505 Dairyland Road, Chapel Hill NC. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1992 to Marguerite C. Rogers and Lori B. Oshrai. Deeded in 1993 to Lori Oshrai. Sold in 2004 to Elise London. Addition in 2008 by Triple Aught Design Build. Was a rental for a few years. Sold in 2021 to Elizabeth Ryan. Sold in 2023 to Lindsey Alexander and Salvatore Borriello.
1976 - 1403 Dairyland Road, Chapel Hill NC. Built and designed by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2021 to Emily W. and Conan P. Shearer. Still owners as of 2024.
1977 - The Vivian Lovell House, 104 Wolfs Trail, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold to Lani Cartier. She had the plans but they had no date or architect's name. Sold in 2011 to Emily and Michael Triplett. Still owners as of 2024.
1977 - The Don W. and Joann Powell Residence, 102 Porter Place, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1992 to Ronald Peter Strauss who still owned it as of 2024.
1977 - 509 Lakeshore Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2017 to Emily and David Frazelle. Still owners as of 2024.
1977 - The William and Dorothy Koch House II, 104 Stoneybrook Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown, but according to their daughter he was also the builder. To save the trees, the architect/builder used mules to move heavy equipment in and out. Sold in 1986 to Carol J. Irvin. Sold in 1988 to Glenn A. and Marilyn Kille. Sold in 1996 to Walter and Mary Sikora. Went into default. Sold in 2002 to Bruce Hertzberg. Sold in 2010 to Marisa G. and Laurence A. Shaw. Sold in 2017 to Lorri and Christian Nicholson. Sold in 2018 to Anna V. Cuimo. Still owners as of 2024.
1977 - 329 Azalea Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold to John P. Dimos. Still the owner as of 2024.
1977 - 1423 Poinsett Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Sold in 1984 to Carol B. and David L. Straight, still the owners as of 2024. Photo by Duffy Healey.
1977 - 2508 Foxwood Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth, according to 628 Kensington owner Radu Rosu. Sold to Leon and Abraham Kiersenbaum. Sold in 1980 to Philip and Linda Carl. Sold in 2000 to Jeffrey Johnson and Olga Deyneka, still the owners as of 2024.
1977 - The Frank and Patricia Buck Dominguez House, 327 Azalea Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Built by Thomas N. Roberts of Naus Haus Construction. Sold in 1983 to Susan and H. Scott Payne. Sold to David C. Lee. Sold in 1999 to Marcella Burk Groon. Photo by Duffy Healey. Sold in 2023 to Melinda M Marcelo and Matthew Adams.
1977 - 621 Damascus Church Road, Chapel Hill NC. For sale in 2024.
1978 - The Gerald and Adele Mittelstadt House, 107 Springhill Forest Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed and built by Bomar Construction. Sold in 1995 to Elizabeth Akiba. Sold in 2006 to Andrea J. Ross and Michael D. Yarger. Still owners as of 2024. Photo by Duffy Healey.
1978 - 162 Lake Ellen Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1984 to James D. Bader. Sold in 2013 to Jennifer T. Anderson. Sold in 2017 to Ronit Fraiman and Tal Cohen. Still owners as of 2024.
1979 - 1911 Billabong Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Built by Bob Giddings of Design Spec. In 1992, Warner Hausler of Design Spec did an addition. Sold in 2017 to Rishma Shah. Still owner as of 2024.
1979 - The Carole L. Crumley House, 1921 Billabong Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Bob Giddings of Designworks. Sold in 2017 to Suzanne McLees. Sold in 2020 to Katie Kovalcin and Nathaniel Hamilton. Still owners as of 2024.
1979 - The Charles and Patsy Harrison House, 100 Northwood Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 1982 to Patricia Hunt. Sold in 2021 to Devlin R. Hudson. Still owners as of 2024.
1979 - 1066 Canterbury Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2023 to Lauren M. and Charles T. Burke.
1980 - The Cliff and Linda Butler Residence, 867 Cedar Fork Trail, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by the owner. Working drawings by John Couch of J. P. Goforth's Security Building Company's design department. Leon Meyers built the house, also while working for Security Building Company. Dail Dixon did a kitchen renovation and addition in 2003, built by Meyers who by then had his own construction firm. Photos by Leon Meyers. Garage addition in 2014 designed by Dail Dixon, built by Leon Meyers, bottom photos. As of 2024 still owned by the Butlers.
1980 - The David Godschalk House, 202 Davie Lane, Chapel Hill NC. This is a well-executed copy of a Deck House, built by Bob Bacon of Bomar Construction. Originally set up for Godschalk's mother-in-law, she moved out after a year and the house became a rental for decades. Sold in 2008 to Clay and Betty Whitehead, who lived there while their new house nearby was under construction. They reroofed and put in new HVAC, extensively remodeled the interior and kitchen, created a master suite, and added a carport and deck above it. Rented for a few years. Sold in 2014 to Elizabeth Engelhardt. Still owners as of 2024.
1980 - The Sarah F. Lindsey House, 108 Calumet Court, Carrboro NC. 1592 sf. Designed by John Lindsey for his mother. Sold in 1991 to Kathleen Thompson. Sold in 2013 to Laura Ann Miller and Michael David McDonald. Still owners as of 2024.
1980 - 2008 Ridgewood Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Giles Blunden. Exterior restoration and interior renovation by design/build team, Nicolle and Luis Valencia. Sold in 2023 to Robyn A. Erkelen and Jason Weir-Smith.
1981 - The William Nealy and Holland Wallace House, 4912 Boulder Run Road, Hillsborough NC. Designed by architect Ronald (Ron) Mace. 17 acres. Sold in 2010 to Steven Dock. Sold in 2020 to Jennifer E. Adams. Still owners as of 2024.
1981 - 1425 Gray Bluff Trail, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2016 to Sally L. Van Wert and Norman J. Glassbrook. Placed in their Trust in 2019. Still owner as of 2024.
1981 - 111 Fieldstone Court, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2024 to the Steven D. Textoris Trust.
1982 - The Richard and Martha Beutel House, 4 Buttons Road, Chapel Hill NC. Built by J. P. Goforth. Architect unknown. Sold to Mary A. D. Eubanks. Sold to Barbara Wood and M. J. Pratt. Sold to Alan Goldstein and Diane Chambless. Sold in 2002 to Pamela Cuff and Tracy Lewis. Kitchen renovation by Dail Dixon. Transferred in 2012 to Pamela Cuff. Still owner as of 2024. Top photo by Carin Walsh; bottom photo by Virginia Faust.
1982 - 3212 Whitfield Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2016 to Joseph F. and Anna R. Edney. Still owners as of 2024.
1984 - 118 Stoneridge Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2017 to Warren A. Kibbe. Still owners as of 2024.
1984 - The Barbara and Neil Levine House, 120 Stoneridge Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by J. P. Goforth. Still owners as of 2024.
1984 - 244 Old Forest Creek Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2023 to Laura A. and Richard L. Marks.
1985 - 4400 Oak Hill Road, Chapel Hill NC. Built by J. P. Goforth. Sold in 2004 to Mignon F. and Brian J. Benjamin. Sold in 2011 to Laura Nufire and Paul D. Meade. Sold in 2021 to Melissa L. Merres and Alexi U. Kudla, Trustees. Still owners as of 2024.
1985 - The Roy and Laura Mathew Residence, 3813 Windy Hill Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Robert Anderson of Nashville TN, a friend of the Mathews. Built by C. S. Witt. Sold in 2003 to Luca Rigotti and Marily Nixon. Sold in 2010 to Maria (Mia) S. Halman. Still owners as of 2024.
1986 - The William (Bill) and Barb Spang House, 1441 Gray Bluff Trail, Chapel Hill NC. Built by Greg Pruitt. Designed by Norma Burns. Expanded in 1998, with design by Alan Turner and construction by Kemp Harris. Still owned by the Spangs as of 2024. Photo by Duffy Healey.
1986 - The Bradley and Selinda Barker House, 209 The Glades, Chapel Hill NC. Located in Chatham County. Designed and built by Mark Hance. Sold in 2013 to Inez K. and Daniel L. Taylor. Sold in 2017 to Mary E. Goode and Matthew B. Spangler. Still owners as of 2024.
1987 - The Dennis G. and Dorothy J. Vollmer House, 109 Lynwood Place, Chapel Hill NC. Designed and built by J. P. Goforth. Sold to Anne Churchwell Adams. Sold in 2017 to Franklin Li and Jessica Lin. Still owners as of 2024. Photos by Franklin Li.
1990 - The Anne W. Cone and Myron B. Liptzin House, 215 Friendly Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Dr. Liptzin was a psychiatrist with UNC Student Health Services. Designed by architect Josh Gurlitz and built by Scott McLean. Sold in 2013 to April Anderson and Stephen T. Power. Deeded in 2016 to Stephen Power. Sold in 2020 to Lu and Chu Hsien Lin. Still owners as of 2024.
1990 - The Frederick W. and E. Perry Good House, 1022 Damascus Church Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by architect Ron Mace. Built by Claris Building. 13.5 acres. Sold in 2018 to Melissa Russell and Michael Neiswender. Still owners as of 2024.
1990 - The Arthur (Art) T. Jolin and Wafaa Carter House, aka The Peter House, 975 Gallup Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed in 1983 by Frank J. Taylor of Marlborough NY. East wing built in 2008. Still owners as of 2024.
1992 - The G. Douglas Wicker House, 607 Kensington Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Sold in 1999 to Hun Young Jo. Designed by Steve Gaddis. Built by Triangle Homecrafters. Sold in 2002 to Gail McGuinness and William E. Bell. Transferred in 2018 to Gail as Trustee. Still owner as of 2024. Photos by Jerry Merkatos.
1992 - The Kenneth and Mary McClure House, 23109 Umstead, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by architect Richard Gurlitz. Sold in 2007 to Michael and Janice McKee. Sold in 2020 to Cathy Rudd and Jerry Allsbrook. Still owners as of 2024.
1993 - The Thaddeus V. and Ricka Samulski House, 801 Creekstone Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by Webster. Sold in 2014 to Helen L. Jang and Sean G. Mitchell. Still owners as of 2024.
1994 - The Peter and Sabrina U. Glass House, 2409 Falls Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Concept designed by Sabrina Glass. Leonard (Len) Vogel drew up the plans. Built by Ken Kissella of Raleigh. Sold in 1999 to James Boyle and Lauren Dame. Deeded in 2013 to James D. Boyle. Deeded in 2015 to Jennifer Jenkins and James D. Boyle. Still owners as of 2024.
1999 - The Toivo A. Somer House, 24 Frances Street, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Taavo Somer. Sold in 2014 to Kevin H. Perrone. Sold in 2022 to Caroline E. Reilly and Peter McWilliams. Still owners as of 2024.
2000 - The Miriam and Leopoldo Sagasti House, 2306 Damascus Church Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by the Sagastis. Sold in 2020 to Marilyn A. Metcalf and Richard A. Whittaker. Sold later in 2020 to Matthew Jessee. Still the owner as of 2024.
2001 - The Susan S. and Donald (Don) O. Tise Jr. House I, 914 Lystra Lane, Chapel Hill NC. A Tise-Keister design, featured on the 2011 AIA Triangle Tour. Sold in 2016 to Barbara and David J. McKeon. Sold in 2017 to Rebecca Vidra and Aaron Moody. Sold in 2024 to Susannah Butters and Robert Kurzydlowski.
2001 - The Dale F. and Karen Sisel House, aka Eagle's Walk, 23935 Cherry Drive, Governor's Club, Chapel Hill NC. Located in Chatham County. Designed by Mason Edmunds. Sold in 2008 to David and Catherine Bova. Sold in 2021 to The Julie and Brent Callinicos Living Trust. Still owners as of 2024.
2003 -The Daluge House, 566 Sun Forest Way, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by architect Steven A. Fisher. Sold in 2018 to Susanne and William Lovelace. Still owners as of 2024.
2004 - The John Doerfer House, aka Black Bull, 102 Strowd Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Bill Luza of Objet Design. Commissioned around 2001. There were 54 iterations. The final version was Japanese in nature; however the client became more concerned with resale value in the traditional outskirts of Chapel Hill, and the modernist Japanese transitioned into a modern farmhouse. Built by Buildex. Sold through bankruptcy in 2006 to Kim and Janet Stoltz who hired landscape architect Eric Davis. Sold in 2018 to Gita N. Mody and Neeraj K. Surana. Still owners as of 2024.
2005 - The Nathan Wieler and Ingrid Tung House, aka the area's first DWELL house, 196 Beech Hill (aka 3246 Hanks Chapel Road), Pittsboro NC. Designed by Joseph Tanney and Robert Luntz of R4A (Resolution 4 Architecture).
The area's second DWELL house in Hillsborough NC, designed by Joel Turkel, is here.
Nathan Wieler and Ingrid Tung were frustrated with the limited options available in new and existing houses and shared them with DWELL magazine. In 2002, Wieler and DWELL initiated the Dwell Home Design Invitational, a 21st century version of the Case Study Houses program. The construction budget was to be $200,000 plus the land (bought for around $200,000) for a house on 9 acres. The design had to be prefab, so in order to move them by truck, sections could not be wider than 16 feet. Sixteen architects from the US and abroad were selected to submit designs.
In 2003, the Wielers selected Joseph Tanney and Robert Luntz of Resolution4 Architecture in New York. Module assembly began April 2004 at Carolina Building Systems in Salisbury, North Carolina. Soon the parts would be put together, and by July 2004, over 2000 people braved the searing summer heat during an open house.
In December 2004, DWELL declared the competition a huge success. The Wielers were indeed the owners of a stunning new home, called "the most high-profile modern prefab house in America" by the Washington Post and credited by many writers as the spark in a new movement of modern prefab housing. Yet getting to actual occupancy would take longer. It would not be until April 2005 that the Wielers moved in. The process had been far more expensive, time-consuming, and problematic than anyone had anticipated - and nowhere near $200,000.
Although the construction contract (excluding land, architect fees and site work) was initially for $206,000, it ran about $350,000. That figure did not include corporate sponsors who provided everything from construction materials to appliances, adding another $200,000 at least. Windows, for instance, were provided by Loewen, a Canadian concern specializing in the luxury market. Trex provided the planks for all the decks.
Other sponsors include Artemide, Fisher & Paykel, Jenn-Air, Kohler, Lennox and Marmoleum. Raleigh architect Louis Cherry and Ann Marie Baum were involved with R4A and also provided interior design products and services, helped with public showings of the home and coordinated press photography.
Total final cost: ball park of approximately $750,000 including land, construction, sponsor donations, architect fees, and site work. But what a great house! 2340 sf inside, 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, pulled together by 1,500 square feet of decks and upwards of 80 windows. Wieler finished construction after firing the original contractor, Mount Vernon Homes, Inc., very close to completion. Just seven months later, in November 2005, Wieler put the home on the market. It finally sold in 2009, for much less than construction cost, to Sha Chang and Alfred Kleinhammes. Sold in 2017 to Tracy L. and Eric R. Zothner. Still owners as of 2024. Sources include Nathan Wieler; Washington Post; Archinect; New York Times.
2006 - The Eduardo Aversano and Eunice Polido House, 1017 Starfield Circle, Hillsborough NC. Designed by John Hartley. Sold in 2010 to Diana K. and Herman Robinson III. Still owners as of 2024.
2007 - The Chris Russell House I, 2300 Neville Road, Chapel Hill NC. Designed and built by Chris Russell. Sold in 2009 to Mike Swim. Sold in 2015 to Marie E. Price and William M. Keelan. Still owners as of 2024.
2008 - The Rob and Lauren Munach House, 319 Wrights Way, Pittsboro NC. Designed and built by Rob and Lauren Munach. Rob Munach was the structural engineer with help from friend Jack Haggerty. Sold in 2020 to Tara and Jason Lindstrom. Still owners as of 2024.
2008 - The William M. (Jr.) and Jonathan Quesenberry House, 689 Frosty Meadow Drive, Pittsboro NC. Designed by Jonathan Quesenberry. Built by Q- Squared Builders (owned by the Quesenberrys). Tricked out with built-in tech features. Sold in 2016 to Rafan LLC. Sold in 2018 to Faisal M. Khan. Sold in 2021 to Ashley A. And Edward P. Collins. Still owners as of 2024.
2009 - The Lozier and Susan Philip House, 525 Walnut Hill Drive, Hillsborough NC. Designed by Lozier Philip. Built by Spyglass Building Company. Still owners as of 2024.
2010 - The Lita W. and Chris A. Russell House, 1007 Reaves Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Designed and built by Chris Russell. Sold in 2016 to Jodi and Jeffrey A. Anderson. Deeded in 2022 to Jodi Anderson. Still owner as of 2024.
2011 - The Kevin McNeilly / Frederick Russ Residence, 108 Westhampton Way, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by architect Ryan Duebber of Cincinnati OH. Built by Krichco Construction. Sold in 2019 to Barbara I. Campbell and Douglas R. Kopec. Still owners as of 2024.
2012 - The Brubaker House, 107 Partin Street, Chapel Hill NC. Commissioned in 2009. Designed and built by Ramon Garcia of Construction Services Contractor Inc. Same owner as of 2024.
2013 - The Christopher D. Ehrenfield House, 13132 Morehead, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by David Ripperton. Located in Governors Club, a gated community. Sold to Ralph and Carol Disibio. Sold in 2018 to Robert D. Yox and Rina Sarkar. Still owners as of 2024. Featured on Love It or List It.
2014 - The Andrew and Maureen Berner House, aka Bernerhaus, 106 Glass House Road, Carrboro NC. Still owners as of 2024. Designed by Len Vogel. Built by Jeff Peloquin.
2014 - 208 Curlew Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Same owner as of 2024. Designed and built by Roy Legaard.
2015 - The James E. and Selaine Niedel Renovation, 2110 South Lakeshore Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Tony Lineberry, built by Leon Meyers. Original house was Colonial; renovation is Modernist. Still owners as of 2024.
2015 - The David and Lisa Hayes House, aka Casa Mariposa, 127 Glendale Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Although the core of the smaller original 1964 ranch house was retained, this was 90% new build. Designed by Lyn McClay. Sold in 2018 to Anne Z. and Michael J. Steiner. Still owners as of 2024.
2016 - The Dean W. Avary House, aka Rock Garden, 100 Sparkleberry Lane, Carrboro NC. Designed by Rafael Amuchastegui of Miami FL. Built by BuildSense. Still owners as of 2024.
2016 - 3 Lanier, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Lyn McClay and Matthew Symanski. For sale in 2024.
2016 - 1205 Old Lystra Road, Chapel Hill NC. Renovation designed and built by Barnett Adler. Featured in the New York Times, January 2017. Garage added in 2017. Sold in 2017 to Samir Kaluf. Sold in 2018 to Milbre E. Burch and Fraser B. Hudson. Still owners as of 2024.
2018 - The Michael and Katherine Carroll House, 1063 Lawrence Road, Hillsborough NC. Architect unknown. Built by Charles Woods Builder. Still owners as of 2024.
2018 - The Dorian Dimitrov House, 1808 Morrow School Road, Graham NC. Designed by Grant Fox. Built by Dan Marro, Dream Shelter. Still owner as of 2024.
2018 - The Hanan Kovens House, 112 Milton Avenue, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Kovens. Built by Fred and Lou Pica. Still owner as of 2024.
2018 - The Kryn Krautheim House, 1829 Whippoorwill Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Beth Williams at Chandler Design Build and built by Michele Myers at M Squared Builders. Still owner as of 2024.
2018 - The Hong Zhu House, aka Modern Treehouse, 150 Mount Bolus Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by BOLD Construction. Still owner as of 2024.
2019 - 1987 Mebane Oaks Road, Mebane NC. Architect unknown. Sold in 2019 to Backwoods Land, LLC.
2019 - The John Wood House, 316 Woodhaven Road, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Still owner as of 2024.
2019 - The Susan and Donald (Don) O. Tise Jr. House II, 119 Battle Lane, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Don Tise. Sold in 2023 to This Works LLC (Don Williams).
2020 - The Christina and David Kim House, 204 Bruton Drive, Chapel Hll NC. Designed by Scott Gardner. Built by Scout Development, LLC. Sold in 2022 to Lior Bendat.
2020 - The In Tae Joo and Joo Hyun Ahn House, 100 Gallant Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Located in Chatham County. Architect unknown. Built by BOLD Construction.
2020 - 49 Eagles Crest, Pittsboro NC. Designed by David LiaBraaten. Sold in 2023 to Channing Jackson and Katherine Hastie.
2021 - aka Modern Mountain Retreat, 10377 Holt, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown. Built by BOLD Construction. Same owner as of 2024.
2022 - The Doug and Ann Feicht House, aka Bonfire House, 70 Lenzinger Lane, Pittsboro NC. Designed by Ben Feicht. Built by Newphire Building. Landscape by Preston Montague. Photos by Keith Isaacs.
2022- The Gupta House, 3697 Lodge Trail, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Hozraum. Built by Newphire.
2023 - The Linda Harrison House, 126 Nottingham Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Architect unknown.
2023 - The Eric Nodiff House, 623 Ponds Edge Drive, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Vellum. Built by Newphire. Sold to Eric Nodiff in 2022.
2024 - The Jack and Julia Constant House, aka Dogtrot House, 1021 Eno Springs Drive, Hillsborough NC. Designed by Studio Becker XU. Built by BuildSense.
2024 - 62 Peddler Mill Way, Pittsboro NC. Architect unknown. For sale in 2024.
2025 - The Kata Walters House, aka Lightwell House, 6358 Pathway, Chapel Hill NC. Designed by Kata Walters, based on a plan book design from an Australian architect. For sale in 2025.
Sources include: Johnny Randall; Scott Kovens; Bryan Koon; Roy Weintraub; Emily Moseley; The Town and Gown Architecture of Chapel Hill North Carolina, 1795-1975 by Ruth Little.