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NC Architects + Designers
Triangle Area (Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill)
Active: Will Alphin | Rhonda Angerio | David Arneson | Tom Barrie | Sasha Berghausen | Vickie Braxton | Keith Brown | Jim Buie | Susan Cannon | Ellen Cassilly | Louis Cherry | Michael Coates | Ron Collier | Laurent de Comarmond | David Davenport | Lucy Carol Davis | Walter Davis | Michael Dickson-Mills | Dail Dixon | Turan Duda | Katie Dyer | Ryan Edwards | Dustin Ehrlich | Tony Evanko | John Farabow | BA Farrell | Jay Fulkerson | Karl Gaskins | Gary Giles | Gomes & Staub | Tina Govan | Matt Griffith | Richard Hall | Nick Hammer | Richard Harkrader | Frank Harmon | Abie Harris | Jason Hart | Brett Hautop | John Hawkins | Andrew Hawthorne | Jim Henry | Grimsley Hobbs | Kenneth Hobgood | Jenny Hoffman | Zach Hoffman | Katherine Hogan | Charles Holden | Bill Hopkins | Chris Horner | Sarah Howell | Alicia Hylton-Daniel | Ryan Johnson | Robby Johnston | Craig Kerins | Michael Landau | Randy Lanou | Ralph Lasater | Erin Sterling Lewis | Art Lin | Coby Linton | Rusty Long | Joe Lopez | Wes McClure | David Maurer | Jeannine McAuliffe | Erik Mehlman | Jolie Frazier Mollison | Jessica Johnson Moore | Michael Moorefield | Karl Mrozek | Lee Munson | Rebecca Necessary | Truman Newberry | Mike Nicklas | Jose Noya | Bill O'Brien | Chad Parker | Sanjeev Patel | Vinny Petrarca | Doug Pierson & Youn Choi | Sophie Piesse | Mike Rantilla | John Reese | JP Reuer | Abbie Roehm | Toby Savage | Arielle Schechter | Keith Shaw | Lina & John Sibert | Yolanda Smith | Paul Snow | Jim Spencer | Don Statham | Michael Stevenson | Fred Stewart | Phil Szostak | Ben Taylor | Bob Thomas | Megan Toma | Joe Trojanowski | Bill Waddell | Heather Washburn | Ellen Weinstein | Vincent Whitehurst | Wade Williams | Charlie Woodall | Jon Zellweger
Deceased: Aaron Allred | Sam Ashford | Dick Bell | George Birmingham | Jim Brandt | Gene Brown | Glenn Buff | Walter Burgess | Robert Burns | Lee Butler | John Caldwell | William Campbell | Robert (Judge) Carr | Eduardo Catalano | Donald Chandler | Lewis Clarke | Arthur Cogswell | Jon Condoret | Thomas Cooper | William Correll | Kathy Crook | Thomas Crowder | Archie Royal Davis | Angshuman De | William Deitrick | Frank DePasquale | Jimmy Edwards | Larry Enersen | Robert Etheredge | Jo Ewing | James Fitzgibbon | Harriet Gordon | George Hackney | Harwell Hamilton Harris | Albert Haskins | John Holloway | Edgar Hunter | Margaret Hunter | Max Isley | Terry Jackson | Pat Juby | Charlie Kahn | Henry Kamphoefner | Charles Knott | Jean Kuhn | John Latimer | J. A. Malcolm | George Matsumoto | Arthur McKimmon | Jim Milam | Yancey Milburn | Joe Nassif | Leon Phillips | Lewis Polier | Jack Pruden | Ralph Reeves | Dick Rice | Joe Rivers | Raymond Sawyer | Steve Schuster | Kenneth Scott | James Scovil | Brian Shawcroft | Milton Small | George Smart | Macon Smith | Owen Smith | William Sprinkle | Doris Stanley | Anne Stevens | Don Stewart | Knox Tate | Alan Turner | Arthur Tuttle | Leif Valand | Terry Waugh | Jim Webb | John Webb | TW Wilkinson | Carter Williams | Turner Williams | Sumner Winn
Misc: Raleigh | Durham | Chapel Hill
Charlotte Area (Charlotte/Salisbury/Gastonia)
Active: Josh Allison | Zack Alsentzer |
John Burgess |
Jack Clontz | David Furman | Harvey Gantt |
Alan Gilstrap |
Johnston | Rick Kazebee | Kevin Kennedy | Billy Leisy | Charles McMurray |
Marc Manack | Mike Novick | Don Porter | Stan Russell | Lindsay Smith | Michael Standley |
Gray Stout | Rachel Taylor | Hal Tribble
| Michael Williams | Toby Witte
| Peter Wong
Deceased: Aubrey Arant | Stuart Baesel | Charles Bates | William Boone | Walter Bost |
Cynthia Bostick | Martin Boyer | Jack Boyte | Paul Braswell | Marley Carroll | Charles Connelly |
Harold Cooler | Saul Edelbaum & Ida Webster | Tebee Hawkins | Drew Hearn |
G. C. Hedden | Alan Ingram | James Kluttz | P. Connor Lee | James Malcolm |
A. G. Odell | John Ramsay | Crutcher Ross | Marvin Saline | Benjamin Sides |
David Tompkins | Murray Whisnant | Harry Wolf
Misc: Charlotte
Triad Area (Greensboro/High Point/Winston-Salem)
Active: Ed Bouldin |
Michael Clapp | Pete Fala | Buddy Glasscoe | Clinton Gravely | Mario Grigni | Aubrey Kirby | Michael Marshall | Carl Myatt | Michael Newman |
Quinn Pillsworth | Major Sanders | Ben Schwab | Adam Sebastian
Deceased: Robert Arey | Fred Butner | Robert Conner | Ralph Crump | Tyson Ferree | William Freeman | Alvis George | Gerard Gray | Hyatt Hammond | Donald Hines | Blue Jenkins | Edward Loewenstein | Durwood Maddocks | Clayton Mays | Robert Myers | Lamar Northup | Jim Posey | William Streat | David Tompkins | Louis Voorhees | Norman Zimmerman
Misc: Winston-Salem | High Point | Greensboro
Mountains (Cashiers/Asheville/Boone/Hickory)
Active: Mark Allison | Steve Arnaudin | Tab Bonidy | Nathan Bryant | Rob Carlton | Hunter Coffey | Chad Everhart | Barbara Field |
Sam Gandy | Ken Gaylord |
Laura Hudson |
Chad Harding | Scott Huebner | Duncan McPherson | Bill Moore |
Michael Nieswander | Brandon Pass | Parker Platt | John Rogers | Mark Rudolf | Maria Rusafova | Jim Samsel | Elihu Siegman | Ross Smith | David Way |
Jason Weil | Aaron Wilson | Calder Wilson
Deceased: Carroll Abee | Holland Brady | Jim Fox | Henry Gaines | Beemer Harrell | Bert King | Henry McDonald | Robert Peterson | Charles Sappenfield | Paul Schweikher |
Jim Sherrill | Aiji Tashiro | Larry Traber
Eastern (Nags Head/Wilmington/New Bern/Atlantic Beach/Fayetteville)
Active: Channing Glover | Gordon Hall |
Harris |
Kersting Architects |
David Lisle |
Chris Nason | Scott Ogden | John Parker | Kevin Pfirman | Rob Romero | Cory Thompson | Ginny Woodruff | Dan Knight | Barry Lamm | Robert Leath | Alan Stagaard & Tessie Chao
Deceased: Julian Altobellis | Ballard McKim Sawyer | Charles Boney
| Ligon Flynn | Byron Franklin | Billy Griffin | Harry Harles | George Harrell | Thomas Hayes | Mason Hicks | Bunny Hines |
Jenkins | Henry Johnston |
Michael Ross
Kersting | Bill Laslett | Lib Lee | Dan MacMillan | Haywood Newkirk | Bob Oxenfeld | Ed Pugh | Cloud Rich | Jack Rowland | Dick Schnedl | Atwood Skinner |
Stephens | David Stick | Frank Stick | Jim Willis
Misc: Roanoke Rapids | Fayetteville | Wilmington | Wilson
Special Profiles
Misc Around the State | Deck Houses | Deltec Houses | Dome Houses | Lustrons | Scholz Houses | Techbuilt Houses
The Murrays: three generations of talented contractors building of many of Wilmington's Modernist houses from the 1960s through todayT. C. Howard: architect, engineer, and creator of domes around the world
J. P. Goforth: builder of hundreds of Chapel Hill Modernist and contemporary houses
Frank Walser: builder of many Triangle Modernist houses from the 1950s to the 1970s
Matthew Nowicki: the genius behind Raleigh's internationally-known Dorton Arena who died in a 1950 plane crash over Egypt
Richard Kaydos-Daniels: the structural engineer behind many Triangle-area Modernist houses
Bryan Bell: professor and passionate national advocate for architecture for the "98% without architects"
AIA North Carolina 1947 Summer Meeting, Atlantic Beach NC. Photo by Aycock Brown. Left to Right: Burton Wilder, Archie Royal Davis, Basil Laslett, James Stenhouse, Max Abramowitz, Lesley Boney Jr., NC Governor Gregg Cherry, Raymond Weeks, William Deitrick, John Lee Thompson, Luther Lashmit, Owen Smith, Carter Williams, A. J. Maxwell, James Griffith, Thomas Cooper, Roy Marvin, Al Haskins, Walter Hook, Lindsay Gudger.
The 1952 AIA Student Chapter, NCSU School of Design.
Back Row: Charles Sappenfield, James (Bud) Washburn, Max Isley, Robert (Bob) Miller, J. Forest (Pete) Barnwell, ?
Third Row: Glenn Buff, ?, AC Hall, Reuben Miller, Charles Moss, John Faulk, Bill Addison, Bruno Leon, Gerald Schiff
Second Row: Sam Hodges, Buddy Blue, Ralph Bansback, Harry Bates, ?, ?, Chet Parker, Elizabeth Bobbitt Lee, Donald Jackson, David Oden
AIA North Carolina 1952 Winter Meeting, Sedgefield Inn, Greensboro NC. Photo by Rell Clements. Standing:H. R. McLawhorn, Anthony Lord, Carter Williams, Robert Atkinson, unknown, Ross Shumaker, John Croft, Eric Flannagan, Leon McMinn, Archie Royal Davis, Thomas Brookbank, Harry Harles, Al Haskins, A. G. Odell, Carroll Abee, Eccles Everhart, unknown, Bill Correll, Russell Sorrell. Sitting: James Stenhouse, Henry Kamphoefner, Robert Clemmer, Luther Lashmit, Walter Hook, James Griffith, 4, 5, Thomas Cooper, John Ramsay, Milton Small, Basil Laslett, Burton Wilder, Louis Voorhees, William Deitrick, Ed Loewenstein, Jack Rowland.
An AIA North Carolina 1956 Summer Meeting at Atlantic Beach NC. Photo by Walter Blue. From left to right: John Webb, Cecil D. Elliott, Robert Clemmer, Arthur C. Jenkins Jr., George Matsumoto, Archie Davis, J. A. Stenhouse, William James, AG Odell Jr., Leon McMinn, US Senator Willis Smith (who addressed the meeting), Marvin R. A. Johnson, Walter Hook, Macon Smith, L. A. O'Brien, Lindsey Gudger, Dick Rice, George Hackney, Jim Webb, Eccles Everhart, Cyrill Pfohl, Ed Loewenstein, Cameron Dudley, D. C. Abee, John Ramsay, and James Walter Griffith.